Fawkes Mercenaries/goons

The Fawkes organization is one of many groups of "Hired muscle" from Al'jaran's slum area.
  Living in a highly competitive area and employing mostly untrained muscle, they make their living off of taking unsavory jobs that most law abiding citizens would not accept. On top of that they specialize in gathering and selling information, as well as spreading rumors, but they are willing to take almost any job as long as the payment is sufficient.
  They are in a constant rivalry with other groups, or gangs, but the rivalry is not necessarily hostile, but mostly competitive and business minded and rarely devolves into violence unless called for. They are also fully capable of grouping up for jobs that are larger than what they can handle themselves, but will more often than not attempt to solve a job alone first, and share as little credit and payment as possible whenever possible.
  Their information network is mostly based off of information trade, buying rumors and information from almost anyone willing to sell them, as well as gathering it from their own goons whenever possible. They are willing to sell any information available to them for the right price.
  The services they provide are varying in quality depending on luck of the buyer, sometimes they will have the information you want, other times not so much. Their hired muscle is mostly lower tiered geared goons, good for dealing with opponents that don't offer much of a fight, good for bullying or extorting, or in some cases also used to pad numbers.


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