Legio Oculus

Is a special reconnaissance force that was formed 86 years ago about a decenium after the last stronghold in north, Dogardi had fallen. Legio Oculus being a relatively unknown organisation is under the direct command of Mhim himself and has today around 4000 members. Half of which are actively stationed in North performing reconnaissance, assassinations and sabotage to hinder both the Mirin and the Deadlands from expanding. Legio Oculus is generally marketed in Seth as being the highest glory a commoner could achieve and with words like that and high salary it attracts members from all walks of life. Many of Legio Oculus soldiers lack formal weapon training and the legion has a very high replacement rate every year as many scouts die, desert or disappear. This doesn't prevent Mhim from continuously add more men to the slaughter though.
  The smallest unit in Legio Oculus is called a Pack and is made up of 10 scouts and one leader, known as Pride. When 10 packs or more group up they make a Flank and Flanks are generally lead by a Lens, Flanks are generally formed in order to hold minor vantage points that is too hard for one Pack to accomplish. The greatest formation in Legion Oculus is known as Solar and have only been formed a few times in history for larger overtakes of very important Vantage Points the most infamous one being the Slaughter of Mount Miglou. A Solar is generally lead by an Iris, the highest title within Legio Oculus.
Tenet Headline - You are brothers and sisters in arms, remember that in any choice you make.

Tenet I. Never dishonor the Mhim.
Tenet II. Never betray the Legios or its secrets.
Tenet III. Never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a superior.
Tenet IV. Never steal the possessions of a Brother or Sister.
Tenet V. Never harm or hurt a Brother or Sister.
Tenet VI. Never sexually assault a Brother or Sister.
Tenet VII. Never misuse your power as a superior.
Tenet VIII. Honor the dead. If possible bury or burn a fallen brothers or sisters.
Tenet IX. The hollows, the Mirin, the fiends and all who would want to misuse the name of the Mhim or dishonor him are the enemies of Acroshia.
Tenet X. Never misuse your stand in the Legio or paint the Legio in a bad light.

Breaking Tenets

Tenet I. Public execution through torture if possible.
Tenet II. Public execution if possible.
Tenet III. Public leashing or torture if possible.
Tenet IV. Lashing and no food for a number of days in relation to severity of the crime
Tenet V. Public leashing or torture if possible.
Tenet VI. Lashing and no food for a number of days in relation to severity of the crime
Tenet VII. Lashing and no food for a number of days in relation to severity of the crime
Tenet VIII. Lashing and no food for a number of days in relation to severity of the crime
Tenet IX. Public execution if possible.
Tenet X. Lashing and no food for a number of days in relation to severity of the crime

  Didnt bury the Lens after a battle: No food for 10 days and 40 lashes. Didnt bury an normal infantry: No food for 3 days and 10 lashes
  Breaking two Tenets or more may lead to an execution. This has to be decided by the superior of the Individual in question.


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