Vessel (Commoner)

This... thing was once someone's doting mother. Once.

Most sensible creatures fear demons. They thrive on, embody, the most troubling parts of the the multiverse, representing and championing the worst things that gods and Folk are capable of. Fewer creatures realize that Folk can be one of the worst things that gods are capable of. An unlucky few come to learn this the hard way, when a Demon chooses them to be a Vessel.
  Vessels are natives of the Prime Material Plane that have been possessed by demons. This possession warps and twists both the flesh and the mind, imbuing the unlucky creature with strength and great cunning, access to terrible magical secrets, and vicious claws, all at the cost of everything that creature once held dear.
  Some are tricked into surrendering their bodies. Most simply are robbed of them. Demons rarely relinquish the body of a Vessel, and in the rare cases that one does, it is only to punish them with the memories of what they were forced to do, and witness themselves doing, while under the thrall of the Fiend.


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