BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The administrator of the client support department, and one of the founders of the company (even if she argues that she didn't do much back then), Katerina is one of the oldest people in the Company's premises.   If I have to say the truth, I used to dislike her. Not at first, at first I pitied her, because she was pitiful and nothing more than that. She didn't even have the Shards of what she lost, just the emptiness and the regret. When I learnt about the regret, is when I started disliking her. You see, back then, she would keep trying to do silly, dangerous things, to fix something that she destroyed herself, something she didn't even miss properly.   But then she befriended Gael, mostly for his sake, and I finally knew she wasn't acting out of guilt (which she feels even now). She cared for the people whose demise she caused, she wanted them to have a second chance.   And she wasn't as silly or stuborn as I thought. She never learnt when to stop, but she DID learn for each mistake. And for each success. The huge conmotions in her life didn't turn her into a new person, but even the smallest of events can make her a little wiser.   Working at the Company, that wisdom has made her a more approachable, emphatic person, efficient but... you know, human.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Katerina used to be a shy girl, or so she says, but can't remember if that was her nature or one of the effects of how much she worried about the risks of saying the wrong thing around the rationala invaders. She struggled to understand the rules but had a very clear idea of how dangerous it was to break them.   Time proved her fears right, but she lived to tell the story and to keep burning the fire of resentment in her hearth. Maybe it was the terror, or the fact that there weren't any Bidaddua grown ups in her life anymore, but after the execution of her parents it was easier for her to learn the rules and ways of the enemy. And once she knew those, she didn't found it that difficult; nor did she mind much about the consequences of making a mistake. With nothing to lose, or gain, everything was easy.   Even the hate wasn't so much of a burden, since she understood that there was nothing she could do to avenge her family or to get any sort of justice. She was carefree, if not happy, and didn't bother to either forget or remember the ways of her people. She ended up doing a little of both.   When she was offered a wish, she didn't thought about what she had lost, but the thing that she still had left. She asked for revenge. She really didn't know how many would be affected; she didn't care.   At least, she though she didn't. She regreted the results, and after a long time of trying to find a way to fix what she had broken, she didn't dare to accept it wasn't possible until a while after helping The Granter to create the Last Time Company.


One of the few things her family and the conquerors agree about, was their reproductive and family centered values when it came to this topic. It's unclear if it was about religion or practical reasons to the The bidaddous, but Katerina's vague childhood knowledge was reinforced by the Racionala teachings about picking a partner to improve the species and stay with that partner to provide the perfect environment to grow a decent citizen or two.   She didn't questioned those rules, but wasn't interested in perpetuating the species, let alone the Racionala culture. She avoided it like the plague and... it seems that she still does... Though her usual answer when someone ask if that's the case, is something like "Who knows, maybe you're not my type" and a devious smile.


She loves helping the clients and the employees she leads (I should know, I'm one of them). The same cannot be said about the jobs she perfomed on her original world, when it still existed.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Not even The Granter and herself know for sure how much of the Company's original desing was actually her idea. And even when the boss has made a lot of changes to deal with different people and use new technology... magic, you would say... Either way, she still helps to keep this whole thing working every day.

Failures & Embarrassments

She might have learnt to accept the past, but she will never forgive herself (or the Granter who tricked her, wherever he is) for the wish that ended her world.   She has a tendency to hate herself just as much but little mistakes and injustices on her daily life, and does everything she can't to make it up.

Intellectual Characteristics

While she is very good at understanding new concepts and ways of seeing the world, she needs a while to learn those things. And it takes forever for her to unlearn something.
Nostalgic Aggressive
Current Location
Date of Birth
Current Residence
A room in the main building
Big, dark brown
Slightly silvery blue, curly and thick.

She says there is no mistery to it, that she already lost everything and all that is left is to keep moving.   And it makes sense, of course. Katerina is a survivor. Maybe she always was, maybe she just understands better than many that it is possible to keep living. Either way she managed to adapt to being alone in a world controled by the people who killed her family.   But there is something else. When she was forced to learn the ways of the Racionala, she didn't use the knew concepts only to survive, but also to keep alive her anger instead of resigning to what had happened to her and her people. When that didn't went well, she was lost for a while but eventually she found herself the chance of helping others who face regrets and loss.   Now she's devoted to create good ripples instead of bad ones.

Mental Trauma

How many times can a person lose everything? So far, she has survived twice. For the first one she learnt how to survive and tried to make sense of a culture she wasn't equiped to understand. With the white fire, she learnt about herself, and about consequences of rage and revenge.   Not a single shard clinged to her after those horrible incidents, she didn't develop any form or irrational fear or lost the ability to interact of to continue with life. She turned it all into experience, but at the cost of forgetting little pieces of herself.  


  • Organized things.
  • Organizing things.
  • Stationery
  • Second chances
  • Gossip (she will deny it, of course
  • A good, fool-proof plan
  • Clever improvising, though she's not good at it herself.
  • Lecturing everyone about how unnecesary are the dangers they get into, or how terrible is to keep dangerous things, places or practices in the premises
  • Dislikes

  • Advice (taking it or giving it)
  • Magic & wishes
  • Silver (no, she's not a vampire, why do people from your world always ask that?)
  • Questions
  • Music
  • Unnecesary dangers
  • Surprises

  • Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


    Author's Notes

    I really need to go back to this
    — July 18, 2024

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