Residence assignation
Not every wish leads to a happy ever after. In many cases, the client knows from the beginning that they are only chasing a happy ending. Sometimes they fail to do what they needed to or, occasionally, chase the wrong thing despite all our best efforts to detect and deny wishes to people in that situation.
Whether they succeed or fail, most people come out of the experience renewed, with a new perspective and willing to seek for help and do their part to recover. The rest can be worst than they were before, and... well, I'm sure you don't want to hear about that.
Right in the middle, are the rueful: people who want to get better but can't. Depending on their disposition and their skills, we either invite them to stay in the City of the lost or to work with the company.
For those who accept the latter, there is a ceremony that is intended to make them feel welcomed and give them the courage to start over.
The reason why we have an magical ceremony to assign a room—or a house in The Village—to each employee, is the company's time loop. There are several exceptions in the spell to make it so that damage is reversed but progress remains. Yet there are some things that can't be avoided without messing with the intention of the spell. Some of those were no big deal, but others were quite inconvenient, like having everyone's location reset.
Everyone would start the day in the place there had been when the cycle started. And that was more or less everywhere in this world. It was quite the issue for those who couldn't teleport, but if the spell was set to ignore the location, those who were in danger at the end of the day would continue to be in danger after it was restarted. What's the point of going back in time if you are still going to be eaten by a tree or be trapped in the mines?
At first, the "easy" fix was to cast the spell again after finally making sure that we were all at the building or at least safe and nearby.
When other rueful became employees that wasn't an option. This kind of spell requires an insane amount of Shards as fuel, and just because there is always more it doesn't make it okay to turn them into energy mindlessly. Building with them is a thing, but the current granter doesn't like to use them as fuel too often.
Just let the new employees started where they have been at the start of the day wasn't a good idea either, because many of them where at their worlds, in their own time reset doing their best to fix something, not knowing that it wouldn't be enough. It's never a good idea to mix time spells.
Fortunately, they fit just fine with almost any other kind of magic. In our second meeting on the topic, the Security administrator suggested to cast a traveling spell activated by the reset over each employee, to bring them back to the building. It took a while but the granter found the way to do that safely and without wasting fuel.
The head hostess, currently me, leads the new employee to their room (or a house in the village, but it's rare that they asked to live there at this point), which was prepared according to the rueful's specifications: number of spaces, illumination, air, furniture, tools and entertainment... It all depends on their likes.
Here they are welcomed by the granter, who will make any changes required after explaining that other things may change after a while of being inhabited. Once the place is set, we read them the rules of the building, and they promise to follow them and treat their room with respect.
Then the granter ask them if they accept to be bound to that residence, and offer them the keys. The link is to a specific spot, not the whole place, yet we treat it like it was the latter because of the meaning. The new employee accepts and the granter casts a spell that will bind the person to the place where they are standing in the moment. There is where the employee will be every time the day is reset.
It has to be a point of that room that has enough space around them, not sharp objects and preferably soft floor (because one never knows in which position you can be at the end of the day). The best option is for the employee to sit or lay at their bed: if they sleep at regular nigh time, they won't even notice the reset.
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