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The granter's omnipotence

I'll admit we somehow perpetuate that myth by offering the things we offer. Show people one impossible thing, and they will think everything else is possible too. Because, why not? Once you witness something you thought would never happen, where do you draw the line between the thinks that you know about and the things than don't exist?   So people comes to this place, where all sorts of strange things are just normal fauna, useful tools, or regular weather. We offer them the chance to change what's already done, or to prevent something that is so imminent that it might as well be already in the past. And once they are done thinking that it's a joke, a dream or a ruse, they ask why? how?   "There is unlimited power in the things that were loved and lost, even more in the things that never were, and The Granter is capable to use that power", we say. And they believe that it means he can do everything.   But he's not any more omnipotent than we are inmortal. We hadn't age a day despite having lived so many. The other day I was eaten by a Symbiosis drum (totally my fault, really) and here I am: perfectly fine. But that's because of the company's time loop, which doesn't really change anything because we don't have a future, so our present has no implications. Even if we wanted to, we wouldn't be able to leave the cycle, because is impossible for us to catch up with time.   There. Breaking his own spell to create the loop is beyond a granter's capabilities. And stoping his own death. Or creating a spell that can turn the clock any more than 24 hours before the casting of the spell.   When we say the Shards have unlimited power, it means potential. Potential that in very specific circumnstances can be triggered by a strong enough emotion. The reality is that the actual effects of that power in most world are those that you already know as "ordinary": depression, unjustified hope, consistent bad luck, unexpected chances... The occasional unexplainable event that science ends up explaining sooner or later...   Here, things are strange because there is too many shards, or maybe shards come here because it's a weird world. However, no person is able to use the full potential of shards at will. Even if they could do absolutely everything, there is no way to prove it because not even the granter has so much control on them.   That's in part the reason why most of the clients are given a chance to repeat a day in their life. A chance to do better, with as much time as we can give them. More often than not, other kinds of oportunities might seem more real, maybe even more helpful, but in reality they are a consolation prize for those whose lost happened too long ago to be repaired.       I'm sorry if this ruins the charm, after all this time telling you that the Company gave you chances to do or find the impossible. We do, of course, but only to some extent, and just because the granter's definition of impossible is different and he has built a whole team of people who finds way to use that to help as much as possible.


Everyone knows that the granter is all mighty. He can make anything possible and the only reason why there are limits for the clients is because he has principles; there are things he doesn't want to grant, as much a people who don't deserve his help.   He's so mighty that he can even give power to others—and take it back if so he pleases.
Date of First Recording
It has never been recorded (that I know). Not even discussed in any official or artistic manner. Is just obvious to everyone. And if something is obvious, who care if it is true?
Related myths
The best part of that unlimited power? That everyone could have it. The hows and whens of how to obtain the granter's power are a whole different can of worms, of course.


The only fuel and building material existing in this world.   They come from what was loved and now is broken, and they can take all kind of shapes. They exist in every world, but in most of them they just cling to the owner, and not everyone is able to shape them into experience or hope.   The granter uses their power for the Company's purposes.
Rank/Title | Jul 15, 2023

Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


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