Crown War

Olfin Varceron’s death was the catalyst for the Crown Wars, which lasted nearly 50 years. The three great houses warred against each other until it was discovered that one house, house Nabudis, was discovered using “witchcraft to open gates to the infernal realms”. It slowly came to light that they had been using foul rituals with hopes of strengthening their bloodline. When the other houses learned of the unspeakable acts being committed, the differences between them were put aside and their combined might was turned upon the Nabudis stronghold and their unholy temple. When the dust had finally settled, the castle was reduced to ruins and all the blood members of the house were put to the sword. At the same time, the people of Asturia also found that the war of succession had also come to an end. For during the siege at Nabudis, the Koreleth army had intentionally delayed just long enough to let the Sivan forces take the brunt of the assault, losing a large portion of their soldiers in the process. With their numbers significantly reduced, the Sivas didn’t have enough resources to continue their war with the Koreleths.   In the years that followed, the Koreleth family ascended the throne and the lands once held by the Nabudis were divided between the remaining houses. In a surprising gesture of good will, the newly crowned king Haron Koreleth split the country neatly in half, giving the south western portion to the Sivas while keeping the lands to the northwest for himself. However, there were still those within the Siva family that felt that they were cheated out of the crown, and still resent the Royal House to this day.
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