Empire of Nizam

Nizam is a large empire centered in the southern desert of Revan on the continent of Uros.


The ultimate spiritual and temporal leader of all enlightened Nizamish is Grand Caliph Khalil al-Assad al-Zahir, Scourge of the Unbelievers. He follows in the footsteps of his father and of his father’s father before him, being the eighteenth man is his bloodline to ascend the Enlightened Throne. The First Caliph, who discovered the word of the Loregiver and spread its wisdom throughout the land so many years ago, was hardly more than a boy. (He was also a desert nomad, a fact which enlightened Al-Badia take great pride.) The city where it all began was golden Huzuz, still the home of the Grand Caliph and his wondrous palace.   One step down in the hierarchy of power are the rulers of Nizam’s city-states—a collection of kings, caliphs, emirs, padishahs, sultans, khedives, and the like. While each pays tribute and taxes to the Grand Caliph, many rule their communities with a surprising degree of independence.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities