Grand Souk

The Grand Souk, or market, is one of the three beating hearts of Port Nyanzaru — the others being the jewel market and the Red Bazaar. True to its name, the Grand Souk is the grandest of the three.   Traders from many nations come to this market to buy timber, spices, medicines concocted from jungle plants, dinosaur skulls and claws, iron, tiger pelts, carved ivory, colored feathers, tropical fruit, monkeys, plesiosaurus meat, and all the other riches of Marakuru. Business begins before the sun comes up, and dealing doesn’t stop until well after darkness edges across the city. It’s a noisy, jostling, aroma-rich circus. Guards are numerous, but less numerous than the urchins and pickpockets. Street performers and tabaxi minstrels add to the cacophony. Colorful awnings protect the market from sun and rain but also trap the heat and smells.
Market square
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