Heart of Ubtao

The Heart of Ubtao is an earthmote — a massive chunk of earth held aloft by magic that can’t be dispelled. It hovers 200 feet above the ground and rotates slowly counterclockwise, completing one revolution every hour. Marakurans call it the Heart of Ubtao because the earthmote is vaguely heart-shaped, and the petrified tree adds the impression of veins and arteries. The dripping red liquid is rainwater that was stained by filtering through iron ore deposits in the rock.   Marakurans who’ve seen the earthmote believe it’s actually the petrified heart of the god Ubtao, and they consider it sacred. Priests of Ubtao used to travel here on the backs of flying dinosaurs to seek visions inside the heart and to beseech Ubtao to return. It has been abandoned for many years until recently, when it became the home of an Aldani outcast named Balan.
Geographic Feature