Mind Fire

Mindfire is rare, even among the Odakota, and generally afflicts only young and adolescent orcs who regard this disease as something like the flu. It is considered more of a nuisance than a calamity and is rarely fatal. Among humans (or anyone with human blood, such as half-elves and half-orcs), the disease is highly contagious, virulent, and deadly. In Asturia, it has acquired the nickname “Orc Fever”. The reptilian races of Gaia are immune to this disease.

Transmission & Vectors

The disease is transmitted through the air.


An outbreak of Mindfire is usually brought by an adventurer, trader, or other wanderer who came in contact with an infected orc. The spread of Mindfire is difficult to control because of the disease’s long incubation period. The original carrier can infect dozens of people, and those people in turn can infect others, before any symptoms appear. By the time the disease is identified, it is already out of control.


If a creature fails its saving throw, symptoms begin appearing after 1d4+7 days. At this time, the victim loses 1 point of Intelligence and Wisdom per day. If the infected creature’s Intelligence or Wisdom reaches 0, they lapse into a coma and die shortly after.   While affected by the disease, the victim suffers severe and unpredictable mood swings. After 1d4+4 days, the victim becomes extremely violent and is a danger to himself and others.


Mindfire can be cured using lesser restoration, heroes’ feast, heal, and wish spells, as well as a paladin’s lay on hands ability. The cure for Mindfire is a special tea-like elixir that is not a potion or magical substance. However, the elixir is made to an exacting formula of arcane ingredients and must be prepared by an alchemist. Even a small mistake can ruin the elixir and render it inert. The elixir cures Mindfire and returns the victim to normal in approximately 8 hours.   The ingredients required to make the cure for Mindfire include the following: a large amount of chamomile tea, distilled water, a small amount of Pale Tincture (lotus petals and tarantula venom), and holy water. This concoction is brewed, then strained through a filter of papyrus.
Affected Species