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Glimmerspore Troop

The Glimmerspore, like many other groups, took to the Fall with opportunistic glee. Yet unlike many groups, they weren't mere scavengers or raiders. Possessing advanced goblin technology and having preserved massive stores of pre-Fall knowledge, Queen Uinsa was prepared to take the world by storm.   The Glimmerspore Troop are remorseless plunderers and harvesters, moving in wherever they see opportunity to suck the land dry of ressources. This has brought them into conflict with many people, who see their lands reaped of everything, yet it has also brought the Glimmerspore prosperity. This in turn has lured in many, who wishes to escape the harshness of the world. As the Glimmerspore has no policy of racial or cultural purity, only requiring that all involved follow the rules, this has allowed them to grow exponentially.   As it stands, the Glimmerspore Troop have stretched their tendrils far and way, eagerly consuming and converting wherever they can, now that the pre-Fall governments and kingdoms of the world have fallen to ashes.


Cutter: Specialist workers employed in logging operations.   Grinder: Specialist worker that handles heavy-processing machinery.   Hireling: New hire working on a time-limited basis. They do menial task for low pay, with the promise of permanent employment if they do well.   Laborer: Hireling that has been permanently hired. Usually does menial and low-skill jobs.   Overboss: High-ranking leadership, who oversees several major projects and repport directly to the queen.   Planner: Architechts of ideas, planners have proven themselves to be excelent organisers and are tasked with turning commands from higher-ups into implementable operations for those beneath them.   Princess: Daughter of the Queen and potential heirs should the queen die. Often serve in leadership positions to gain the experience necesarry to lead the troop.   Supervisor: People who demonstrate leadership qualities are promoted to supervisors. Depending on their skill, they either assist leadership in running smaller projects or lead low-priority ventures if they seem promising.   Taskmaster: Selected from crew of laborers and workers to enforce the rules and in turn advocate for their group to the higher-ups.   Worker: Experienced laborer. Handles work of higher skill for better pay.


The Glimmerspore Troop believe that the world excist to be used. All available ressources are for the taking. They are very open, in the sense that there is little to no discrimination against other races and cultures. Anyone who wants to sign up gets a shot. The Glimmerspore, however, have little respect for others in the sense of property. They are an invasive sort, and if they see an oppertunity, they will send their people to start reaping everything in sight. Their respect for nature only extends to their respect for how useful it is.

Public Agenda

The way the Glimmerspore phrase it, they are a breath of fresh air, here to pick up the pieces left behind by the clumsy and outdated countries of old. To create a new civilization, welcoming to all.


The Glimmerspore acted quickly after the fall, movinginto areas rich in natural ressources so they could be processed. As such, they have already managed to gather considerable riches. Being comprised primarily of goblins, they also have a technological advantage and use an array of powerful devices. Their open hiring practises have also lead them to absorb a lot of talent, which they've eagerly employed.


The Glimmerspore began with the abition of the goblin Uinsa in 6 ATF. A prospective queen in her own right, Uinsa did not see the fall as a disaster, but as an oppertunity. Like the fungi her kind was related to, she'd sprout from the detritus of empires. Having already begun producing her own goblin servitors, she broke free from her former troop and set out, forming the Glimmerspore Troop.   In 11 ATF, having built up her new empire, she sent them to the rich jungles of Isimaragi, the plunder it for wood, metals, precious stone, magical components and animals. This was also when she began openly hiring, luring in people from all walks of life with the promise of safety and fortune under her command.   In 24 ATF, she turned her eyes towards the planet of Dunia, which seem to hold plenty of promise of untapped ressources. He people was deployed to the open lands of Vanna, where they soon after found deposits of oil and other precious ressources in the ground.   In 44 ATF, they moved in further and began exploiting Intaba Enkulu. This operation displaced a lot of native species and pissed off many natives, to whom the mountain was sacred. The conflicts resulting from this slowed their operations somewhat, but has so far failed to stop them.   In 61 ATF, a small group of Glimmerspore workers were sent to Freeland under the command of supervisor Grilx to follow up the repprorts of plentiful ressources there.

Demography and Population

Goblins make up the majority of the Glimmerspores, though over the year, they've seen increases in the amount of dwarves, humans, gnolls and ogres who sign up.


The Glmmerspores are spread across a number of countries, where they have ensconced themselves around natural ressources. These centres of activity are connected by a network of transport saucers, who ferry messages and ressources.


All members of the troop receive some training in how to fight, depending on their rank. While enforcers and similar positions are the most heavily armed, all members of a Glimmerspore operation can help defend their troops' acquisitions.

Technological Level

The Glimmerspores have managed to hold on the the advanced technolgoy of their race in spite of the fall. They thus have access to saucer technology, laser weaponry, plasma weaponry, robotics and other advanced tech, limited only by the ressources they can acquire.

Foreign Relations

The Glimmerspore have already managed to earn the ire of several groups by their invasive tendencies and ruthless exploitations. However, due to having preserved much of their pre-Fall tech, those going against them are often disadvantaged.   The Glimmerpsore have dealt peacefully with a number of organisations, however, whenever trade or other exchanges seemed to be the path to great gains.

Agriculture & Industry

With an increasing amount of mouths to feed, the Glimmerspores have been interested in developing reliable supplies of food. Thus, fertile areas are eventually converted to fungal smag farms to produce the nourishing substance that goblins subsist off. Other sources of food is strictly for hirelings, who have yet to develop the ability to digest smag.

Trade & Transport

A network of transport saucers and saucerports allow the Glimmerspore people to move from base to base. This is also how the majority of their ressources are transported, unless special requirements dictate otherwise.


Education is mandatory for anyone in a leadership position, who are expected to understand a number of subjects, including geology, biology, management, warfare, espionage and so on, skills needed to run any operation of behalf of the troop. Other members of the troop receive education as is believed necesarry for their station.


Once set up, Glimmerspore bases offer light, toiletries, water and similar. This is one of the reasons they've been able to hire to so many people eager to escape the demands of the ruined world.

All That Glimmers is Profitable

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Transnational government
Economic System
Market economy
Internal trade is done with round, gold coins called Glimmerlings. The value of a Glimmerling is roughly equal to one day's work by a laborer and is worth enough to feed a family of four. Trade with other groups is flexible and dependant on circumstances.
Legislative Body
The queen is the supreme voice on the laws of the troop.
Judicial Body
Various princesses, bosses, planners and supervisors are tasked with figuring out how the queen's orders must be carried out in practice.
Executive Body
Various enforcers, taskmasters and similar handle the day to day enforcement of the rules.


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