Unit 1145 Character in Shattered Cosmos | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Unit 1145

(a.k.a. Unit 1145)

Physical Description

Body Features

Post Apocalyptic Soldier Uniform

Facial Features

Gas Mask

Identifying Characteristics

Post apoc uniform

Apparel & Accessories

Red and yellow flag worn on my right shoulder signifies my alignment with the Armodual Republic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I dont remember much from before I became a soldier for the Armodual Republic. The only thing that I can recall is that I had a family but I dont even remember their faces. The only thing that is important now is to survive this war that I was forced into, or thats what i thought until the battle of Fort Ryles. It was in that battle that a giant void was opened up above us with smaller ones all over the ground. From the top, creatures that i have never seen before were spilling out and soldiers that looked completely different from any that i have ever seen were falling out with the monsters. I did not think much of the holes on the ground until I realized that I had stepped in one. Everything was dark and i remember thinking to myself 'this is it'. It was in that moment of fear that I realized that i had not died and that I was in yet another situation were I needed to figure out where I am.

Gender Identity





The Republics of Armodual cadet training camp. (RACT)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Won a Grenade contest at Fort Winnsserr while highly intoxicated by a alcohol like fume. The objective was to see who could bang the grenade against a rock the hardest before it blew up, needless to say there was no 2nd or 3rd place winners.

Failures & Embarrassments

After weeks of being reincarnated I still attempt to wash my ghostly face.

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.


Never Take Advantage of women and children.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes- Completing the objective Dislikes- anything that gets in the way of completing the objective


Contacts & Relations

Soldier of the Armodual Republic
Science lab 1B In Compound Golly
5' 11"


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