Harrison Armory Conscript Cavalry Organization in Shattered Skies | World Anvil
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Harrison Armory Conscript Cavalry

A sub-department of the Harrison Armory Armored Cavalry, this division is mostly composed of criminals, enemy-state-actors, or other undesirables that HA has found a use for beyond execution or incarceration. Conscripts in the HACC are enlisted as a replacement for imprisonment for heinous crimes.


The HACC recruits conscripts from convicts under Harrison Armory. Each squad of conscripts is over seen by a Parole Officer. Each squad typically completes 3 - 5 missions before disbandment, often referred to as 'release' as their criminal debts are considered paid.


Incredibly harsh and unyieldingly strict, the HACC prides itself on "hammering out" undesirable or criminal behavior from conscripts. Crew reports often show that conscripts are physically and psychologically broken over the course of their missions.   Due to the control that HA has over conscripts, the HACC’s missions are often that of high confidentiality, incredible danger, and of moral ambiguity.

Repayment through service.

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Parent Organization

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