Ragnar Stormhaven
Ragnar Stormhaven
“Here lies Ragnar Stormhaven.”
“Son of Brodi and Yelda Stormhaven.”
“Died defending king Shazzakar VI from drow assassins.”
“Buried with honor and respect.”
“May his ancestors welcome him.”
Ragnar was killed during the Second war of the Anvil, where the holds of Yürgen, Gragnar and Foeharren launched an expedition to recapture the hold Thystletower from the Drow of the Cohorts of Lilith. This war took place about 800 years before the shattering, on the material plane, in the Tombhold Mountains. He was slain whilst foiling an assassination attempt on his liege.
The party found his tomb under the Golem Room and disabled the wards on his resting place. He then appeared enraged before them, ready to punish the grave robbers. They however solved his regrets tying him to the material plane, as he was convinced that he had let his liege die and succumbed himself to a cowards tool like poison. As thanks before dissapearing, he gave them his gear and his signet ring, asking to some day find his kin: Magni, Durdi, Floki, Kraga, Branja, Phora and Tangerine.