Burstberry / Furta Fruticosa
Furta Fruticosa is an exotic fruiting shrub. The large, strange looking berries are filled with a type of organic, custardy goo which upon the slightest touch, will burst and spray seeds and liquid in a 10ft area around itself.
Botanists have studied burstberries and realised that the fragility of their casing is intentional - as a form of seed dispersal, and it is effective. It often bursts on mammals and birds, harmlessly sticking to their fur and feathers. This means it can travel quite far before falling of and attempting to grow again.
Recipe: Burstberry Pie
If you are careful enough, you can collect burstberry fruit for harvest. The fruit's custardy inside is sweet and full of citrus, with a strong floral aroma. Perfect for a flan or open pie filling. Simply add to an already prepared case or crust and allow to set in a cold store or cellar.
The effect:
Because of the delicate nature of burstberry shrubs, and the aromatic filling of their fruits, they give the consumer advantage on Sleight of Hand checks and Perception checks based on smell, for 2 hours.