Waterlogged Note
A note found in a soaked and mostly destroyed logbook on a skeleton in the Underground Lake.
“Last words of Samuel Patton
Marooned in this c(ave) after the (sto)rm took the Murm(aider)
Rock crush(ed) my (leg), lost (too) mu(ch) blo(od)
Curse Cap(tain I(sh)ok for his (fo)lly
May he (stand) (wa)tch forever un(der) the s(ea) For th(ose) that f(ind) my rem(ains)
br(in)g me h(om)e gra(zel)t
Let m(e) me(et) Ma(ria) If d(oo)m you (se)ek
6.21 105.35"
Marooned in this c(ave) after the (sto)rm took the Murm(aider)
Rock crush(ed) my (leg), lost (too) mu(ch) blo(od)
Curse Cap(tain I(sh)ok for his (fo)lly
May he (stand) (wa)tch forever un(der) the s(ea) For th(ose) that f(ind) my rem(ains)
br(in)g me h(om)e gra(zel)t
Let m(e) me(et) Ma(ria) If d(oo)m you (se)ek
6.21 105.35"