
Backbay is a coastal town filled with tradespeople and fisherman. It is a major warehousing area for supplies that are then sent to the interior of Renvere.  It is the only other notable settlement outside Torenvar that is under the direct authority of the crown, and is administered by staff appointed by the king.  There is a relatively small local population, consisting mostly of fisherman and wealthy merchants, but a rather large transient population.  At any given time most of the people in Backbay are traveling merchants or teamsters, or they are workers who live in Torenvar, and are working at the warehouses for the crown.  The crown constructed large boarding houses for these workers to stay for a week or so at a time when they come down from the city to work.  While there is little infrastructure in the town due to the lack of permanant residents, however there are several inns and taverns, as well as a gambling house that is under construction.


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