
A large forested halfling town just north of The Mire in central Renshire Province.  Badenburrow is by far the largest concentration of halflings in the world.  There are many small halfling settlements in the surrounding region as well, small farming communities in the odd grove, or fishing communities along particularly abbundant streams and parts of the Renmire.  Renmire Swamp ponies are particularly popular here, both being a good size for halflings and being suitable for the swampy conditions in the area.    

Notable Inhabitants

  Buckland Stoor    

Harvest Spirit Festival

  The harvest festival is the biggest celebration of the year in Badenburrow.  It is a celebration not only of the harvest, but a time to remember the the dead.  Family is an important part of halfling culture and nowhere is it more apparent than the Harvest Festival.  Massive tables are brought out into the cool night air and the streets are filled with halflings, both of Badenburrow and those far afield who have returned to reconnect with their families.  The festival lasts a full week and every night there is another feast, with different dishes for each night.  The halflings of Badenburrow have made fast friends with a small, local Runidiri temple, and in return to being invited to the festivities, the Runidiri work their magic to ensure no rain or snow falls during the week fo the festival.  Additionally, the festival usually features a small set of carnival games, theatrical performances, and the Badenburrow Dash, a horseback race around an extensive woodland trail.


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