Blackwater Bandits

The Blackwater Bandits are a group of thugs and highwaymen that were organized into a insurrection in the Gravesend region of Renvere.  They operated on a smaller scale in the region for years only the leadership of a cruel and ruthless man known only as Creegan.  They became more organized when operatives from the Telamon crime family arrived with additional forces under the command of Renee "Wren" Farrier and Luthor Bryson.     The Blackwater Bandits were responsible for the raid on the hamlet of Blackwater and the subsequent killings and capture of the villages residents.  They are believed to be responsible for the killing of Rita Winslow, a guard in Gravesend, as well as an insurreciton in the region.  They claimed the ruins of the abandoned village of Lochwood as headquarters and formed an alliance with goblin tribes, and perhaps even demons.  Their insurrection was eventually put to an end by the people of Gravesend and several mercenaries.  Creegan was killed during the conflict, Wren was captured, and Luthor Bryson remains missing.
Illicit, Gang


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