
Aurethrane Forged Currency

  The currency used widely around Imperia before the War of Ash. The coins are produced and minted in Aurethrane and used commonly in Dol Gorak, Renvere, Hraun, and most of the Celestine City States.
Silver Groat (1s)
Golden Florin (1g)  

Imperial Currency

  The newly minted currency of the Celestine Empire, every coin is blessed by a priest of the Heavenly Chorus itself. Some vendors in Renvere and Dol Gorak accept this currency but it is primarily used in the Celestine Empire.
Imperial Crown (1g)
Imperial Sovereign (100g)  

Golgol Currency

  The currency of Golgolthyr, only taken in trading houses outside its home nation.
Golgol Kinza (1g)  

Saeli Currency

  The Saeli trade is a special enchanted currency called Aetherite. Aetherite is commonly used in elven enchanting.
Aetherite Coin - Small (?g)
Aetherite Coin - Large (?g)


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