Dondir Hellsmasher

Dondir Hellsmasher is one of the renowned demon hunters of The Sacred Flames . He originally hails from Balashova by way of Argenthrane and is known for being a resourceful fighter, albeit with a short temper.  He served with the demon hunters of The Hearteaters before coming to the Sacred Flame.     Dondir never met his grandparents due to their deals during the Battle of Mirromere, where many Argenthrane dwarves died fighting against the demon lord Lust and her hellspawn.  Due to this his family ensured that everyone was comfortable in a fight, never knowing when the next demonic resurgance could happen.  Dondir took this to another level, mastering many weapons and tools.  He is light on his feet, especially for a dwarf, and has a fighting style more similar to those of Golgolthyr swordmasters.


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