
Native Plane: The Mortal Realm     Ethnicities: Mountain Dwarves   Dwarves are one of the oldest and most populous races on the Mortal Realm, second only to humans. Dwarven myth tells that the seven dwarven kingdoms were founded when the dwarven gods laid to rest and became mountains, and the dwarves were born deep with in. The Dwarves are largely insular and distrustful of the other races, which for the first half of the War of Ash served them well, where they were virtually unscathed. However once the tides turned on Hell and the pillaging of the world began, they had few allies to turn to. Umberthrane was the only place that was able to totally shut their gates to the world. The rest of the dwarven kingdoms suffered greatly in the second half of the war, many of the mountain cities were devastated. Dun Durak, Aurethrane and Bronthrane however were able to reclaim their lands quickly with the help of the Tenari, the half elves. A friendship was formed after that and the three mountains joined with the elves to form the nation of Dol Gorak. Ferethrane Umberthrane, and Argenthrane were able to recover however no word has been heard from Mythrane, or Titanathrane since.   The dwarves of modern day are a diverse lot who hold great pride in their heritage. They are a short stout people who are well known for sporting great long beards and runic tattoos, although it isn't uncommon for some dwarves to wear shorter beards or even be clean shaven, particularly among female dwarves. While each dwarven kingdoms culture is different, there are some things all dwarves tend to have in common. Most dwarves tend to live to the age of one hundred, although some growing as old as one hundred and fifty years of age. Many live in their mountain kingdoms, having a strong connection to the earth and stone, from which their origin mythos stems from. But more than anything else that unites the dwarves, it is there stubbornness. When a dwarf holds a belief true to heart, it is almost impossible to stir them from that position.   There is only one ethnicity of dwarves, however the culture and society of each mountain is unique. Dwarves from different mountain tend to wear a signet beard ring to denote their heritage, of which most are proud. Many of the dwarven societies do have a similar faith in the pantheon of dwarven gods, whose names were taken from the minerals in their mountain homes. The dwarves believe that the souls of their gods still rest deep in the mountains, in the carven Godstones, ornately decorated to honor them in the guarded mountain kingdoms.  

Independent Dwarven Kingdoms

  The Ferethrane Dwarves   Location: Stonehorns, Renvere   Sigil: Flaming Hammer   Aspects: Crafters, Smiths, Iron     The Ferethrane dwarves reside in the Stonehorns that create the natural border between the Celestine Empire and Renvere. The Stonehorns are rich in iron, perfect for the forging of weapons and armor in mass. The Kings of Ferethrane were one of the most noble of the dwarf families, often coming to the aid of allies with their armies. The Ferethrane are the most military oriented of the dwarf families priding themselves in their collective combat prowess. While battle is important to the Ferethrane, it is never conducted needlessly. Additionally the Ferethrane put more weight in the ability to work together to perform complex and effective maneuvers on the battlefield than they are in the strength of the individual. For this reason dwarves most interested in the art of fighting travel to other mountains. It is common for dwarves who study the art of weapon or armor craft to take their talent elsewhere as well. Many dwarves and some of the other races also travel to Ferethrane to learn the way of the warmasters, both strategy and weapon and armor forging.   The Argenthrane Dwarves   Location: Silvertip Mountains, Celestian Empire   Sigil: Winged Silver Axe   Aspects: Faith, Glory, Silver     The Argenthrane dwarves are among the most zealous. Like Ferethrane, they stood on their own during the War of Ash, eventually being defeated, retreating back into their mountain in a bloody battle against demonic forces. They were eventually saved from oblivion by the Archangel Excoria of Faith, who showed them the way of Celestia. After the war and the forming of the Celestine Empire Argenthrane was not made to swear loyalty, but the King and his family joined the Celestine Church.   The Umberthrane Dwarves   Location: Dreadpeaks, The Dread Stretch   Sigil: Runed Tome   Aspects: Magic, Knowledge, Obsidian     The Umberthrane dwarves founded their city in the volcanic mountains the split the continent in two. In caverns formed by lava flows they harvested obsidian and gems, becoming one of the richest mountains outside of Dun Durak. The obsidian was a strong conduit for magic, and they dwarves here became powerful sorcerers, mastering fire magic from the heart of the mountain as well as frost magic from its icy peak. After the War of Ash Umberthrane never reopened, and no outsider has been able to enter the mountain since.  

Dol Gorak Dwarven Kingdoms

  Dun Durak   Location: Kingsmont, Dol Gorak   Sigil: A Jeweled Crown   Aspects: Kings, Law, Precious Gems     Formerly the home of the King of Kings of Dwarves, Dun Durak and its richest are now the home of the alliance of dwarves and elves. Dun Durak was not one of the original dwarven kingdoms, having been founded after. As such it is comprised of dwarves who have moved there from other kingdoms, making it a melting pot of different personalities and skills. A senate was formed of the former dwarf kingdoms of Aurethrane, Bronthrane, and the Tenari, as well as the many of the former inhabitants of Dun Durak before it was sacked in the War of Ash. In addition the senate allows for representatives of the Wood Elves and the High Elves, although the last remains unfilled. While the Celestine Empire continues to try, there has been much resistance about allowing a representative of the Celestine church.   The Aurethrane Dwarves   Location: Deepstone Mountains, Dol Gorak   Sigil: Three Ingots   Aspects: Trade, Artistry, Gold     The mountain of Aurethrane is sometimes called the Great Vault due to all of the gold coins the Aurethrane dwarves have locked away. The Aurethranes were traders, bankers, and financiers largely. They bank for many nobles and even some of the nations of the Mortal Realm, including Celestine and Renvere. The dwarves here also take great joy in the arts, particularly sculpting. They do not have an official standing military, however there are many martial minded dwarves of Aurethrane who have formed elite mercenary companies, all of them contracted to aide Aurethrane as part of their licencing. They carved all the godstones in each of the mountains. During the War of Ash they came to the defense of Dun Durak, but were handedly defeated alongside the Bronthrane dwarves. They later helped to recapture Dun Durak alongside the Bronthrane, and the Tenari.   The Bronthrane Dwarves   Location: Seastone Mountains, Dol Gorak   Sigil: Constellation of Bronzithrane   Aspects: Science, Archaeology, Tin & Copper     Life on the seaside has given the Bronthrane dwarves access to a great deal of resources important to scientific discovery and engineering. They charted the stars, built the aqueducts of the dwarven kingdoms, and helped to develop black powder. They engineered great siege weapons as well. During the War of Ash they came to the defense of Dun Durak, but were handedly defeated alongside the Aurethrane dwarves. They later helped to recapture Dun Durak alongside the Aurethrane and the Tenari.  

Lost Dwarven Kingdoms

  The Mythrane Dwarves   Location: Wyrmsteeth, Hraun   Sigil: A Silver Mountain   Aspects: Exploration, Chance, Mythril     The Mythrane dwarves were explorers at heart, and thus they founded their mountain in the far reaches to the north, on Hraun. They are one of the smaller clans, however have great wealth in artifacts collected from all over the world. During the War of Ash they came to the aid of dwarfkind on their ships to liberate Dun Durak, however their fleet never arrived. No word has been heard from Mythrane since.   The Titanathrane Dwarves   Location: Golgolthyr   Sigil: Quill Crossed with Hammer   Aspects: History, Grudges, Adamantine     Nothing has been heard of Titanathrane since the War of Ash. There were rumors of a great battle having been fought there, but no dwarf has been able to enter Golgolthyr since the start of the War.

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