
Elemaya is a Tenari exclave and military port in Renvere. As part of a trade agreement between Renvere and Dol Gorak the Tenari agreed to place a shipyard on the Kingsbay to help facilitate the construction on trade ships and war ships, as well as small Tenari garrison. Elemaya is a small town mostly populated by Tenari shipwrights, soldiers, and their families. Additionally a small group of Dol Gorak dwarven engineers are also found in town assisting the shipwrights.    

Notable Inhabitants

  Relayn Cobellus

Administrative Buildings

  The direct administration of Elemaya takes place at the ministry. The town is governed by a small council, including the Master Shipwright, the Head Engineer of the Dwarves, several Tenari captains, and a representative of the Runidiri, although this individual in this position changes quite frequently. The Tenari Embassy is also located here, which houses several elven diplomats. The role of the embassy is strictly to treat with the Renvere Royal Court.  


  The shipyards comprise the largest amount of space in the settlement. There are three main components; the Dry Docks, where seaworthy ships are prepared, the Lumberyards, where the lumber for building ships is crafted, and the Shipwright's Enclave, where all the planning and final assembly is done, and where the ships are launched from. The Master Shipwrights office sits on the cliffs above the launch, and is considered the best viewing place for a launch of a new ship.  

Dwarven Enclave

  The Dwarven Enclave houses a handful of dwarven families who have relocated to Elemaya to help with the construction of ships, handling all the metal work as well as the careful crafting of cannons. The enclave's metal and stone buildings stand out among the otherwise natural, sleek look of the Tenari architecture.  This is also home to a large tavern, The Iron Mug, catering to the dwarves that is owned and operated by the Goodgub Trading Company.  

Runidiri Enclave

  The Runidiri Enclave serves are a resting point for traveling Runidiri. The great tree that grew on a small island was converted into resting places for the Runidiri on their journey between different temple. At any given time there are usually fewer than fifty Runidiri in Elemaya.  

Stormwood Grove

  The Stormwood Grove is a grove of special trees the Tenari brought with them from Dol Gorak. The jungles of the south have a far larger variety of trees, and Stormwood trees are the best, according to the Tenari, for making ships out of.  

Shrine of Seas and Storms

  The Shrine of Sea and Storms is a quite Runidiri shrine where crews of ships often come to spend time and meditate, in hopes that the spirits of the sea and sky keep them safe on their voyages.  

South Star Square

  South Star Square was annoited almost a decade after Elemaya started being constructed. After years of work building the towns buildings and shipyards, the Tenari realized that the view of the South Star during the vernal and autumnal equinox was quite unique. Now it is a common stopping port for many Tenari captains in the area, or a destination for some, for viewing that sacred star on those nights.  

Tree of Pearls

  Pearl diving is a common passtime among the elves of Elemaya. The oysters in this part of the world a plentiful and many of the sea loving elves have taken to diving for them. The Tree of Pearls came about when some of the pearl divers started to hang their most beautiful pearls from a great cherry blossom tree, and continued until the pearls that hung from it numbered as many of the leaves. It is a common gathering place, especially during mid day meals, where vast swaths of the elves with gather to eat a restful meal in view of the tree.


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