
The Ferethrane dwarves reside in the Stonehorns that create the natural border between the Celestine Empire and Renvere. The Stonehorns are rich in iron, perfect for the forging of weapons and armor in mass. The Kings of Ferethrane were one of the most noble of the dwarf families, often coming to the aid of allies with their armies. The Ferethrane are the most military oriented of the dwarf families priding themselves in their collective combat prowess. While battle is important to the Ferethrane, it is never conducted needlessly. Additionally the Ferethrane put more weight in the ability to work together to perform complex and effective maneuvers on the battlefield than they are in the strength of the individual. For this reason dwarves most interested in the art of fighting travel to other mountains. It is common for dwarves who study the art of weapon or armor craft to take their talent elsewhere as well. Many dwarves and some of the other races also travel to Ferethrane to learn the way of the warmasters, both strategy and weapon and armor forging.     The kingdom itself inclues a small village and a town, Iron Hill and Rockport, in the valley outside the mountain on the Renvere side.  Within the mountain itself are three major population centers, although many dwarves do carve out abodes along the tunnels all over the mountain.  The largest by far is Hammerdeep, the capital city of Ferethrane.  Down deeper into the mountain likes Khal Rugh, a small settlement where the great black and red godstone of Ferethrane sits above pools of lava.  The dwarves believe that the lava is the blood of a great fire breathing dragon that the founder of Ferethrane slew.  Higher up in elevation is the town of X, which also serves as an entrance for the dwarves that farm and herd at higher elevation on the mountainside.  This higher regions are protected by the mountains steep cliffs, anyone in the valley wishing to enter the mountain from X would have to use climbing gear to get there.  

Notable Inhabitants



Hammerdeep is a busling city of artisans.  While outsiders are welcome here, it is unabashidly dwarven in culture.  The food in Hammerdeep is incredibly spicy as is common in dwarven cuisine, and food more palatable to humans is difficult to find.  Forges can be found anywhere in the city, and the sound of hammers on metal can be heard at all hours.  The "Song of Hammerdeep" refers to the slow, steady, beat of Hammerstrikes that can be heard ringing in unison throughout the city, although it is often accompanied by actually song.

Khal Rugh

Khal Rugh is the settlement built under where the godstone of Ferethrane hangs.  It is oft visited by dwarves of the mountain, but the town has few permanant residents.  Most of those who do live there are the caretakers of the stone and philosphers and historians.   X  

The Iron Valley

The Iron Valley is a small valley on the Renvere side of the kingdom.  There are two small settlements in the area, Iron Hill and Rockport.  Iron Hill is a small village which produces some of the dwarves food, the rest is obtained through trade with Renvere.  The crops grown here are mostly the spices the dwarves use to get their dishes to the appropriate heat level.  The other settlement is Rockport, a larger town, that serves as the point of trade.  Goods to and from Renvere are transported by the river, and those from the Empire come all the way through the Iron Road and are usually warehoused in Rockport, before being distrubuted throughout the kingdom.

The First Forge

In the dwarven myth, at least according to the Ferethrane dwarves, the legendary dwrarf, Khros Longbeard, came to Ferethrane before all other mountains.  Their legends say that he forged his great hammer, Khol'khros the Godforger here in Ferethrane at the first forge.  This hammer was then used to forge all the godsstones of the mountains, and eventually was returned to the First Forge.  The hammer was lost during the War of Ashes, and some now question if it even exsisted at all.

The Iron Road

The Iron Road is a tunnel that is the main passage between the Empire and Renvere.  It passed under Hammerdeep, making it common for travelers to pass through the mountain without ever seeing the city.  The tunnel has many twists and turns, and many forks that break off to mines, old and new.  Newcomers to the region are reccomended to hire a guide, as the first few times through the passage can be difficult.


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