Han Harbor

Han Harbor is the northernmost port in Renvere, in Malaster Province. It is one of the few places where Varl call home outside of Hraun. The Telamon crime family is known to be particularly active in Han Harbor.  It is currently ruled by the Templetons.      

Notable Inhabitants

  Erik of Red Oak   

The Lord's Rise

  The Lord's Rise is the part of town on the hill containing the Lord's Manor, the Guard Tower, and the Longhouse.  Most citizens aren't allowed up in the rise under normal circumstances, due to Templeton decress and the want for more privacy.  When town functions due call for people to gather in the Longhouse, few townsfolk bother.  The guardhouse houses a small garrison of soldiers, although only several them are paid men at arms, the rest are militia.  


  The Seamarket is more or less an oversized fish market.  Locals from the many nameless hamlets and villages will come to the Seamarket to trade warm furs and foraged fruit and vegetables for the cod and halibut the fisherfolk return with.  

Varl's Head Tavern

  The Varl's Head Tavern is the only source of merriment in Han Harbor.  It is large as taverns go, especially so as it is made large enough for the Varl longships who dock in port every so often.  Their stores are always stocked with plenty of the Hraunese cider the Varl love so much.  

Sharkstooth Cardhouse

  The Sharkstooth Cardhouse is a cardhouse operated by the Telamon Crime Family.  While the odds are always in the houses favor, even more so than most, the cardhouse was a welcome addition to many of the locals who have had to endure the hardships that come with living in Han Harbor.  The cardhouse is large enough for Varl and features a tafl table for the odd Varl ship that docks in the harbor.  


  The seashrine is an old pagan shrine that still gets some use from the locals, particularly the fisherfolk.  Offerings are left at the shrine in hopes that the spirits of the sea will fend off storms, pirates, as well as bring good luck to those traveling or working the sea.


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