
The northernmost continent in the Mortal Realm, Hraun is a harsh land of ice, fjords, and mountains. It is the ancestral home of Varl, Ogres, and the semi-sentient trolls. The continent is split into two parts, one controlled by the Ogres and the other by the Varl and Hraunese humans. The Varl control the north, with its treacherous mountains and fertile valleys. The Ogres control the forested islands and the fjords that weave up and down the southern shores of the continent.  The borders of Varl territory run from the base of the Wyrmsteeth mountains north through the Varlheim Valley to the pebble lined northern shores. The Varl keep two fortified outposts, Frostveller and Einartoft as shields against a full scale Ogre invasion taking any more land than they already have. While the Varl are far fewer in numbers than the Ogres these natural defenses mean there is little risk of all out war.


  • Hraun
    The demi-continent of Hraun
Geopolitical, Country

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