
Native Plane: The Mortal Realms
Ethnicities: Hraunese, Imperian, Golgol Humans   Humans are the most prolific race of the Mortal Realms. There are four extant ethnicities of humans and one extinct one. Humans are known for their versatility and ability to adapt and thrive anywhere.  


By far the most populous of the ethnicities, as well as the most diverse.  Imperian humans skin tones, range from light to dark, with black, blonde, brown hair, red being more rare.  Common eye colors are blue, brown, green and occasionally gray.  


A relatively small group of humans occupying Varl controlled Hraun.  They split off years ago and tend to have fairer to tan skin, blue or violet eyes, red, blonde or auburn hair.  They tend to be taller than Imperian humans.  


 Relatively the same in population as the Hraunese, but are much less common outside of Golgol.  The Golgol humans moved to Golgolthyr years ago when they aligned with the Golgol orcs against some threat.  Since then they have been the filter in which the outside world is allowed into Golgolthyr.  Golgol humans tend to be slightly shorter than Imperian humans, have tan to dark skin, dark hair, and brown, green, or hazel eyes.

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