Keldrim Telamon

Keldrim Telamon is a Tenari elf residing in Malaster who is from a lesser branch of the Telamon family. He is known to be a bit of a wildcard, and many believe him to be the Telamon's most trusted assassin.       Keldrim is almost always dressed in finery and was given the privlidge of wealding the Telamon's family blade, an enchanted rapier called Deathwind.  He is prone to mood swings, and appears to delight in sadism, and rumors are masochism as well.  Despite his mood swings, Keldrim is also known for being completely sober, and almost never touching alcohol or any other similar substance.  He is meticulous in all things, and dealing death especially.       He came into the service of his great uncle, Monvessier Telamon, after the mysterious murder of his family, leaving Keldrim the only surviving member of that branch.  There were some rumors that his family was planning on trying to usurp the leadership of the family from Monvessier, and that Keldrim may have played a part in their deaths.


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