Lucio Marah-ka

Maestro Lucio Marah-ka is a master muscian based in Hoss City. He is a male Tenari elf.  He has served as First Chair in the violin, lute, flute, sackbut, dulcimer, and bagpipes.  He retired after two decades of performing to work on training the affluent youth of Hoss City, as well as working on composing some works of his own, none yet to be revealed however.     Towards the end of his career as a musician, he traveled the world, having played for the Tenari royalty in Triton and Stormcrest, for the Dol Gorak assembly in Dun Durak, for city state leaders of Velicia, Edeau, Uban, and Balashova, as well as the King of Renvere, as well as many minor lords in between.


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