Manon the Harper

Manon the Harper, sometimes called "Sourirouge," is a prolific bard who plays for high society in the Edeau, Velicia, and the Imperial City.  His skills as a performer have gained him what may seem an impossible wealth for a lowborn bard.  Where he once traveled barefoot in the grittiest taverns of the region for a meal, he now travels to mansions in major cities in an ornate carriage.  There have been some rumors that not only did he acquire some of this wealth through charm magic, but also through association with the L'Epine Mortelle.     Manon the Harper is a silver tounged young man who has a deep love of vices; wine, women, and some say Fathom.  Even so, he has endeared himself to Imperial High society through his skill, and even to the common folk, known for stopping by orphanages to brighten the day of its residences.


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