
A small farming town in Hoss Province.  Mayberry is known for full heartedly adopting the Celestine faith.  It is touted by locals to be a paradise on the Mortal Realm, where crime and poverty have been eliminated by living good moral lives.  Alcohol, among other vices, are banned in the town and attendence to church services are expected.  Songs from the Celestine songbooks are far preffered from traveling bards, and bawdy performances are not tolerated, often met with heavy fines.  For these reasons there are far fewer halfling fieldhands compared to elsewhere.      

Straw Angels

The residents of Mayberry have taken on an odd practice of constructing large scarecrows in the visage of angels.  They will tell you that they do a far better job of warding off pests, and the crops that grow closest to these likenesses grow larger and sweeter.


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