
Monfalcone is a town on the border of the Celestine Empire and the dwarven kingdom of Ferethrane.  It is a newer settlment, and a strange mix of wealthy merchants and hunters and trappers.  Ferethrane dwarves are a common sight in town, although never in large numbers.    

Notable Inhabitants

  Camille Aveline   

Sun & Iron Gates

  The Iron and Sun Gates are the principle ways into the town.  Because Monfalcone is a border settlement, it is more heavily fortified than most towns of its size, and contains a larger garrion of soldiers.  For that reason, the Iron Gate also acts as a port of passage to people entering the Empire, which requires registration and papers to be presented.  There is no such requirement at the dwarven gate several miles up the mountain road, although a reason for traveling through the dwarven kingdom is highly reccomended.  

Paragon Chapel

  Newly built and used principly by the soldiers garrisoned at Monfalcone.  The serices see the occasional local, but the people here tend to prefer solitude, and are happy to comply with Imperial mandates if they are not bothered.  

Merchants Rise

  Due to the proximity to Ferethrane, many wealthy merchant companies have constructed large mansions on the Merchant's Rise for their agents to live in while they negociate with the Ferethrane dwarves.  Due to its remote location, many reputable or high profile merchants prefer not to due business here, but instead allow smaller operations to act as a middleman.  The mansions were constructed to be somewhat luxurious in order to attract better negociators to this backwater town.  

Hunters and Trappers Camps

  The Hunters and Trapper camp are where the locals who call Monfalcone their true home sell their wears.  Their best customers tend to be the Ferethrane dwarves who highly value the pelts for forest dwelling creatures that they encounter much less frequently in their mountian home, allowing the locals a modest income.  Some wears as also sold to the Celestine merchants, however the deals are never quite as good.  


  Greengrave is a bit of an oddity.  Discovered years after the town was founded, it is an ancient gravesite, overgrown by underbrush.  The gravestones are written in some ancient tongue that is lost to common knowledge.  Locals fear the area, thinking it bad luck to tresspass.


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