Ren's Crossing

Ren's Crossing is a fortress and surrounding town in central Renvere. Named for the crossing of King Tohren and his army to deliver a decisive blow in the battles to unite Renvere. The settlement is largely a citadel but a small village has sprung up around it. The fortress is seen as a key component of keeping the peace in Renvere, any army wishing to cross from Malaster to Renshire must do so through this point if they want to cross by land, and neither the Barony of Malaster or Dutchy of Renshire have a fleet large enough to transport an amount of troops to be of any concern.    

Notable Inhabitants



  The Crownskeep is the main fortress and citadel. It contains a large garrison, officers quarters, as well as the keep itself, which houses a contingent of Renvere Knights of the Realm. Other knighthoods also often take advantage of the keep when traveling in the area. The fortress was built on the Malaster side long ago, as a show of force to any northern warlord who might think of raiding the wealthy lands to the south, after the Fisher King was defeated by King Torhen.  

King's Crossing Inn and Tavern

  The King's Crossing is one of the best known, and largest taverns, in the kingdom of Renvere. Due to it's location on such a well traveled road, and it's sheer size in an otherwise small town it gained renown, as well as piles of gold, for its service, food and entertainment. The inn is five stories high, and was built with the help of the Ferethrane dwarves. Rumor, this help was paid for in weapon and armor contracts from the king himself. Bards from around the world travel here to play on one of its three taverns.  

Ren River Cardhouse

  The Ren River Cardhouse is a relativly new addition. Seeing the oppurtunity granted from the glut of travelers and the lack of good land, Monvessier Telamon purchased several run down buildings by the cliffs on the literal edge of town. He tore them down and in it's place built a cardhouse, which offers several other offerings in addition to gambling, such as alcohol and an unofficial pleasurehouse. Soldiers are barred from entering here, but that rule is often overlooked, as it is not uncommon to spy an officier leaving the pleasurehouse in the dead of night.  

The Crossing of Blades

  With the opening of the tavern and cardhouse, Lady Fairbanks say the need to find ways to entertain the soldiers stationed there in a way that itsn't detrimental to the garrisons readiness.  On weekend nights she hosts a fighting pit with a small purse for the winners.  Most of the competitors are soldiers fighting with blunted weapons or dampened spells, but the random knight or adventurer passing through also may participate, usually drawing a larger crowd.


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