Report: The Missing Heirloom

General Summary

Russel and I met up at the Oxhide Tavern in the morning to discuss the bounty with the inkeeper, Norrington Ironcask. A few days ago, a bandit with a tattoo of a red bird assaulted him in the woods, stealing a family heirloom. We agreed to try to locate the bandit and retrieve the necklace. Before we left, we reached out to a mercenary Russel had met to try to recruit some muscle for the day. After discussing his cut, Aldric Gates agreed to go with us. After some last-minute preparations, we met up and ventured towards the Acorn Hill Farm.     The farm had two buildings: a large barn, and a smaller house. Aware of a bounty from the Gravesend town guard for living bandits to interrogate, we tried to subdue the bandits we met without killing them, tying them up to bring with us on the return trip. Within the house were the first two bandits we encountered. Eavesdropping revealed that they were on lookout duty, so we attempted to take them out quietly, and we succeeded. After tying them up, we looked around and found a trapdoor hidden in the floor of the barn.     Despite the run-down appearance of the barn itself, the hideout beneath it was clearly being used. After defeating and tying up another pair of bandits, we noticed that they both had matching tattoos that fit the description Norrington had given us. After a bit of exploring, we found a pair of Goblins tied up and starving, whom we took pity upon, and we offered them food and released them. Alas, one of them attacked us when we tried to feed it, and the other killed the pair of bandits we had tied up in the hideout, so our pity disappeared, and we gave them quick deaths.     Venturing deeper into the hideout, we came upon a ravine, out of which a nothic crawled, along with a voice in our heards telling us to not cross the bridges over the ravine. Russel had the bright idea to use gravity to slay the nothic, and it sounded like the second shove off the edge killed the beast.     Further in, we ran into five bandits, including the two we had tied up outside, as a side exit allowed someone to run out, find where their lookout had been, and nurse them back to consciousness. Two of them bled out during the fight, but the other three we were able to bring back to Gravesend for the bounty, and the guard will interrogate them to learn more.     There was one more nothic guarding the room where we found the heirloom. It looked as though that room belonged to a leader, though none of the bandits we encountered showed much leadership, so it's possible the leader heard some of our fighting and ran out. My guess is that the leader will try to come back when nobody is around to bring more of their stuff with them, but that they'll be looking for a new base of operations elsewhere. With luck, the guards who interrogate the bandits we returned will be able to learn about other places the leader might go.     Penned by Patrick Smith   Adventure Patry: Patrick Smith, Russel, Aldric Gates   Date: 26JUN21
Report Date
26 Jun 2021
Primary Location
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