
Riki-Visha is a strange goblin shaman with dark red scars overing most of his body. He was first seen by adventurers in the thicket fortress of the minor demon lord Malice in the Creeping Wood. He later was spotted in the city of Lochwood and during the attack on Gravesend. He seems to have some sort of affinity with bats, as he has been seen transforming into one and in the company of giant bats.     Adventurers from Gravesend eventually tracked down the goblin shaman to The Stonespire , where they learned that he had somehow, taken control of the northern part of the ancient Runidiri temple and was using the bat spirit, Hir'eek, to create empowered goblins.  It appeared that he had somehow corrupted the spirit and was using it's blood to empower and control other goblins and bats.     Eventually the conflict between Riki-Visha and the adventurers of Gravesend came to a head when he eventually captured Kore, the daughter or Lord Harys and Lady Illene.  He was tracked to the ruins of Bastion, where both he and his forces were eventually defeated and Kore rescued.  It was discovered here that he had traded in his alliegence to the demon Malice to that of one of the most powerful demons, Lust.

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