Royal Knights of Renvere

The Royal Knights of Renvere are the premier fighters and mages selected from amongst the other knightly orders to serve the king directly. The Knight Commander of the Royal Knights also acts as Knight Captain to all the other Knight Commanders of other orders. The Knighthood is headquartered at the Knights Hall in Torvenvar.     Current Knights
  • Cassia Novara Cassia Novara is the Knight Commander of the Royal Knights. Many thought that Sir Pellodin would have been the natural success to Anlan Tam do to his seniority, however Cassia has proven to be an excellent administrator of the Royal Knights, as well as the other knighthoods.
  • Pellodin Sixstars By far the eldest of the Royal Knight, Pellodin has served as personal bodyguard to the royal family for over three decades, an honor he is greatly proud of. In his older age he has taken to mentoring some of the younger knights of Renvere.
  • Mavrin Hoss The youngest brother of the current Lord Hoss, Mavrin became a knight and eschewed marriage. He is an excellent horseman and has gained a reputation for his strategic mind on the battlefield, having dealt with several warlords in his time.
  • Octavia of Torenvar A commoner initially, Octavia was first a Knight of the Realm before taking on the title of Royal Knight. She was born on the streets of Torenvar and is known for having eliminated many of the organzied crime leaders in the city, drastically reducing their hold on Torenvar.
  • Anlan the Younger The daughter of the previous Knight Commander. Specealizes in the longsword and is known for her calm demeanor and for having over thirty tournament wins under her belt. Sometimes refered to as the Silent Orchid.
Military, Knightly Order


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