Runidiri War Plan

These plans are scrawled hastily in the margins of the map.     Three ships with warriors, Ceranos, Nago and druid support to land on north beach lead by Lichentusk, Whisperwolf, and Grayblossom.  Roaming River to accompany, and scale eastern cliffs after landing with support of Copperwind and Moonclaw troops to close northern Hellmouth.  Enthralled beasts and demons in the wood.  Largest concentration of demons in the north, and more to reinforce them once battle has begun.     Once southern reinforcements move away, Sunorchid, Tiltip, and amphibious druids to breach southern gate.  Was damaged in initial attack and in disrepair.  Tranquil Stone, Cloudhawk, Stonespring and Moonclaw forces to close Hellmouth at Temple of Strength.  Powerful demon presence there.  Soaring Sky, Longtalon and support druids capable of flight forms to fly into Wandering Village, many undead there, to close Hellmouth.     Once southern gate is breached, Sunorchid to move west to deal with ice demons.  Tranquil Stone, Roaming River, and Soaring Sky to join battle at the north gate once Hellmouths closed.  Combined forces then march to the Rejuvination chamber to deal with Artos.


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