The Heavenly Chorus

The Heavenly Chorus are the avatars of Celestine who became part of Celestines pantheon after the War of Ash. The Chorus consists of the following     Paragon of Order, while not depicted often in artwork, when he is he is often shown with an eyeless visored helmet and four wings, bearing a longbow for a weapon with arrows on his back, with tips made of light.     Excoria of Faith, often depicted an an archangel in half-plate armor with long flowing golden hair and golden wings. She is usually shown wielding an ornate golden staff.     Judica of Justice, if usually depicted with darker, grey wingers and short black hair. She always whields a gavel like hammer in one hand and a an executioners style axe in the other.     Veritas of Truth, often depicted as a female archangel with long red hair, wielding a long silver spear. She is always shown wearing a blindfold.     Rexos of Kings, one of the most common archangels depicted, especailly on royal buildings and banners in the Celestine Empire. He is shown wearing a crown of light and weilding a single sword and carrying a rod in the other hand.     Benedictus the Blessed (dead), very rarely depicted, but usually as a male archangel in full plate armor wielding a massive greatsword with an aura of light.
Religious, Divine Host

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