The Imperial City

The capital of the Celestine Empire and location of the Central Church. It is said that the city was founded on the site of the last battle of the War of Ashes, where Rexos struck down the champion of the demon god. It has become a great melting pot of all the different cultures and ethnicities of the Celestine faith, as well as being the home to many great and powerful people and institutions. It sits on the convergence of the Silver and Imperial River at the point where they empty out into the Celestine Sea. The city is divided into several distinct districts called Sanctus. While the governance of the city doesn't differ from Sanctus to Sanctus, they each have a unique identity.  

Sanctus Excoria

The Santus Excoria is to many one of the oddest districts. It contains the Cathedral of Mourning, which while smaller than its counterpart, is where weekly mass funerals are held by high ranking members of the church for any adherent to the faith can be ceremoniously buried. These services are often attended by many people of the city and is one of the most unifying practices the city holds. It also includes the Heavenly Bazaar, a vast market from around the world. It is customary in the Imperial City that no haggling take place in the market, as it is seen as a form of corrupting greed. The Sanctus is also home to the Gate of the Proselyte, which serves as both gate and customs registration. Those traveling the Celestine Empire without documentation must enter through the Gate of the Proselyte to be admitted into the city. Unlike other areas, quite a few of the inhabitants of Sanctus Excoria tend to be foreign, likely due to its proximity to the Gate of the Proseltye and the Port of Paradise.    

Santus Judica

Santus Judica is one of the largest geographical districts, and by far the largest based on population. Sanctus Judica is home to the "middle-class" of the city, those who still work for a living, but provide services from carpentry to haberdashery. The streets here are much narrower compared to other parts of the city, and people are packed in. This district contains the Hall of Justice, which also serves as a Temple to Judica. This is where all criminals in the city, and many of the nation, find themselves once they are inevitably captured. In the early days, the vast majority of those who stood on the steps of the hall were demons but overtime it's steps are filled with many more ordinary criminals. The Sanctus Judica is also home to the Arena of Absolution. The arena has served multiple purposes, but it was originally built for those found guilty at the Hall of Justice to dispute their sentence through trial by combat with a champion of the church. Nowadays the arena hosts frequent bouts to first blood as entertainment. It is common for demon hunters, military personnel on leave, or even the occasional templar to fight in the arena to make a little extra coin on the side. The Godsgate is also located here, which is the entry point for those who have documentation to travel within the Empire.    

Sanctus Veritas

This is the smallest district in the city, but one of the most important. While the Cathedral of Blessings is by far the largest and most important feature, it is also the home of the Temple of Inquisition. Many of the residential buildings here are home to inquisitors and lesser church officials. The Cathedral of Blessings is the largest holy building, and possibly largest building, in the world. Its massive halls hold thousands and there is a service in progress at all hours of the day and night. It is lauded as the People's Palace, where they can go to find the answers to all of life’s problems, whenever they need to.    

Sanctus Paragon

Santus Paragon is often referred to as the military ward. It is where a large portion of the cities garrison lies as well as the fortress-armory, the Bulwark, where the leaders of the Army of the Light do their business. It contains a large training field and it also the come to the Celestine Templar's home base. Much of the living space here is owned by the Empire and is used as housing for their soldiers and officers.    

Sanctus Rexos

The Sanctus Rexos is by far the wealthiest of the five districts. Here live most of the wealthier members of the city, and by extension, then Empire. It is home to many residences and artisan businesses and has a far heavier guard detail than the other districts. Sanctus Rexos is also home to the Heavenly Gate, which is primarily used to transport goods from the farmlands on the floodplains and Goldport.    


Underbridge, or as it is sometimes called the Lower City, is not a true district. It was at one point just a barren rock slanted down towards the cliffs overlooking the Celestine Sea, the earth here being too dense to easily excavate. Overtime shanties and stick houses started to crop up as those with the least resources tended to make this desolate region their home. As time went on it started to become its own community, and while it has a much higher crime rate and far fewer guards, it has become its own community of those who have to focus on survival over faith.    

The Three Hills

The three hills are three steep hills within the city which have been designated as holy sites, due to their proximity to the heavens. The central hill contains the Imperial Palace. It is not the highest point inf the city, but it is the largest and most beautiful. It contains several gardens, both water and plant, as well as two large bridges that lead to each of the other two hills. While technically the grounds of the Imperial Palace are open to the public, you need to be a person of influence to get past the gates. The smallest of the three hills is the Elysian Garden. It is said that this is the most beautiful garden in the Mortal Realm and it a place of great peace and harmony. Over the years many great writers, poets, artists, and prophets have found great inspiration here. The final hill has two regions. The lower region, the Rise of Prophets, is larger and contains many smaller buildings and facilities owned by the Imperial Throne, including residences for many cardinals, priests, and prophets. The upper region contains the Divine Assembly. This great hall is where the Conclave of Cardinals hold their business.    

Port of Paradise

The Port of Paradise is where all ships who have the trade approval from the Emperor dock. The vast majority of these ships are either prominent merchants, diplomatic vessels, or large licensed transportation vessels.    

City Limits

The Imperial City stretches beyond it's walls. To the south there is a large floodplain that is optimal for crop production. The Imperial Throne owns all of these lands, and they provide all of the food for all the cities clergy members, with whatever remains being distributed to the Cathedral of Blessings and Mourning to be distributed to those in need. Travel further south and you will reach Goldport, a small port town which is mostly populated by warehouses, counting houses, and the guards who protect them. Ships unapproved to make port in the Imperial City tend to dock here to handle their transactions. This is often smaller traders or even larger, non-Imperial companies.     To the north lies the Lightsong wood, a small grove of trees also owned by the Imperial Throne. The lumber camps there are paid for by the throne and all of the wood it produces goes to heating the city and the construction of ships, wagons, as well as war machines when needed. Between the woods and the walls also lies a large open area, littered with unique geography. Several large drumlins; elongated, flat topped hills, sparely populate this area, which each one being claimed by some of the wealthiest most influential families of the Empire. They have taken to building their large estates upon these beautiful mounds, overlooking much of the city and region.
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