Thurman Cross

Thurman Cross is the Kennelmaster for the Hell Howlers, originally from the streets of Edeau. He is a massive brute of a man and many question who is more intelligent, Thurman or his dogs, as he is totally illiterate.  Cross often does not go into direct combat against demons on his own, although will sometimes be present to act as a field medic for the injured dogs.  Many joke among the Hell Howlers that you will be able to smell Cross long before you see him.     Cross was discovered by a young Dremick Howl in Edeau as a child, who took him in and taugh him everything he knew about training hounds.  Cross was intensely loyal to the Howls, but seemed to have no issue falling in line behind the brothers Harold Grim and Sampson Grim when they took over after the Howl's passing.


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