Townsfolk of Gravesend

Lord Harys, Lady Ilene , Kore : The ruling family of Gravesend, live in the Lord's Manor.     Quin Armstrong , Marth Armstrong : The captain of the guard of Gravesend and her younger brother, both spend much time at the guardhouse but live at the Lord's Manor.     Elling, Sana, Myra Cook: A family of humans who serve the nobility, lives in the Lord's Manor     Kairus : An ancient man who lives at Library Tower in the Lord's Manor.     Sharice Hoss : A traveling mage and niece of Count Hoss. Currently studying at Library Tower, although can frequently be found at the Devil's Den.     Ido, Hans, Norrington, Yohn Ironcask: A family of dwarves who own and operate the Oxhide Inn and Tavern in the Secondwall neighborhood.     Trent, Lia, Tia Whittmore: A human family of goatherds living on the mesa.     Alaster Whittmore, Arianne Whittmore: The town blacksmith and his neice and apprentice. They collectively run Whittmore's Smithy.     Ingrid Doubledyne : The towns money counter and tax collector. Serves the nobility and runs the town counting house where she resides.     Tom and Jon Haverson: A pair of brothers who moved to Gravesend to start businesses. Jon runs Stonehorn Outfitters and Tim runs Stonehorn Leathers.     Gus, Fletcher, and Brig Howell: Three human cousins who own and run The Hunter's Quiver. They all were killed during the Seige of Lochwood, under suspicious circumstances.     Ix Marbleview: An old dwarven wheelwright.     Horus Weir: A notable human carpenter in town.     Jarin and Seera Wick: A human brother and sister pair. Seera is part of the town guard and Jarin bartends at the Devil's Den.     Trin, Alysa, Ben, Liam Kent: A human family, Trin and Alysa run Kent's Breads.     Sue, Gipper, Buck, Robal, Queenie, Sara, Griffin, Rita Winslow: A family who works and runs the Winslow Farm, with the exception of Rita who was apart of the town guard before being killed in a bandit attack.     Gorman Parrish: The human Vicar of the Celestine Chapel     Tentha Harrington: A young human scullery maid at the Oxhide Tavern.     Sam and Simon Webb: A pair of brothers, Sam is a guard and Simon works at Winslow Farm.     Matric Kent: Human town guardsman, brother of Trin Kent.     Viggo and Ren Barlow : Two human cousins, Ren is apart of the town guard and Viggo owns several buildings in Gravesend that he rents to shopowners.     Morus Shepherd: A dwarf goatherd from the mesa. Lone survivor from an attack of enchanted wolves in the woods on the mesa.     Gunnar Hoth: A dwarven guardsman.     Taylor Mirrin: The falconer in service to the Lord Harys and Lady Ilene.     Greta Mattison: An old healer and cursebreaker from Blackwater, rescued by the adventurers of Gravesend from the prison in Malaster.  Now lives in the Lord's Manor.


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