
Varl Native Plane: The Mortal Realms Ethnicities: Hraun Varl   Varl: A race of horned giants from Hraun, the small continent in the icy north of the mortal realm. Varl are created, not born, as such there are no females. Their horns can be taken back to Valkanrok in Hraun where a new varl can be formed.   While the Varl tend not to care much about the other races of the Mortal Realm outside the ogres, they have developed a unique kinship with the Hraunese humans.  The Varl rarely venture out on the open sea and do not have any ships of their own, which means their trade with the outside world is solely dependant on the fast longships of the Hraunese humans to navigate the waters between Hraun and mainland Imperia.  The Hraunese humans, with help of the Varl have also managed to build a meager navy large enough to mount a defense of northern Hraun from ogre invasion by sea, allowing the Varl to focus their defense on the mountain passes.   (The Varl are thematically taken directly from the Banner Sage series, for more info check out info related to those.)


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