
A town in Renshire province of Renvere.  Waybridge is a newer settlement, initially built to be a second point of transportation across the rapids of the Ren River, however due to the intensity of the spring floods, the towns bridges tend to wash out if not taken down.  This lead to the commercial promise in the town to rapidly deflate, and leave it a more obscure location.   The lordship of the town was given to the young knight, Melford Sutherland, who distinguished himself early in the history of Renvere.  He founded the town and continues to rule over it this day.    

Notable Inhabitants

  Melford Sutherland      

The Bridging Festivals

Waybridge was founded to be a large commercial hub and facilitate transport over the Ren River.  However after a few years it became apparent that the bridges built, whether they be stone or wood, could not stand up to the intense flooding and ice flows that winter and spring brought with it.  Eventually, Lord Sutherland resigned his efforts to build a stronger bridge, and instead ordered that several small wooden bridges be built that would be easily removed and replaced in mid fall and late spring.  His wife saw the oppurtunity to take this laborious task and founded the Bridging Festivals.  For two weeks in the mid fall and late spring the entire town celebrates the removal and reconstruction of the bridges with dance, drink, and feasting.  The Sutherlands provide food and drink for all those in the town willing to come out and lend a hand, no matter how small or great their contribution is.  The Green Knights usually make an appearance at the festival or order to help safley take down or set up the bridges.


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