BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


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Upon continents of vast mountains and vibrant shades, humankind battles for power. Politics rule all, even the gods are subjects to dissent. Battles aren't always waged through war, a technology race is brewing. Rumours and blackmail are standard practice. True virtue is only for good-hearted knights. Magic is a rarity and taboo. One must sacrifice a lot to gain magic prowess. Some say the chaos of magic can be tamed with a patron deity.     Power isn't just the land you have and the people you control, one must capture the minds of the public. The most important political symbol is the Thrones. Many factions use the Thrones to exert regional control, some even asserting religious divinity. It is unclear when this tradition started, but it is a powerful image and a clear monument to fight over. Legends remain these are remnants left behind by gods when they inhabited the planes. Trying to destroy these symbols isn't just a social taboo, but is seen as directly provoking the gods. No one would ever try it.     There is a hidden, vulgar layer to this world. Not all gods are benevolent. Unknowable ascended things occupy dreams and the sea, mythical others roam the lands, cults are on the rise, and people are left to imagine why these adversaries exist. The myth of the lich is a tale told to all kids. Each culture has its variation on the tale, but all know it's a simple fairy tale to discourage upsetting the forces that be.     There are six major kingdoms, each with a Throne. Four Thrones are not ruled, however, and are currently still being politicked over. The Meteorite Throne, Wilderive Throne, Ivory Throne and Ferric Throne are the four empty symbols.     There is the Throne of Might, in Wolveshire Castle. Wolveshire is home to three contesting political houses: Awlcaster, Lionel, and Galadhor. The Wolf Nobles wish to expand and become absolute rulers, while also wrenching power away from their rival houses. A jury of nobles elects the king when the previous passes. Now, the Lionels hold the kingdom's power.     The Zephyr Throne sits in the frozen north. The Twelvswren nobles rule over it and the ruthless mountains. Growing old is difficult in frost. What was once a Wolveshire outpost, is now a young city. Of course, the Wolf Nobles still want their northern city back. Unlike most major kingdoms, magic is not completely taboo here. Fire is a fleeting gift, and people don't have time to discriminate whether a torch or a witch is keeping them warm.     In an idyllic land of golden flowers and a city of precious metals is the Drakken Throne. Alone in the ancient city are the dragons that protect the throne. Their fair-skinned and light-eyed rulers have vanished. Yet the city, Vaelyth, is far more dangerous to visit. The dragons destroy all who try to walk where their masters have forsaken.     The Thalassic Throne dwells in the mid-eastern coasts. Pirates disillusioned with monarchies and republics have formed a wretched kingdom. They're constantly in a succession period, as the marauders use regicide to express dissatisfaction. Their goals depend on the public will. A Pirate King can only do so much to push their idiosyncratic agendas upon the people.     The Throne of Blackiron sits in the oasis of the desert. The Balkmati have found democracy, but have the Jaderose family watching over them. They seek knowledge of new technology and old missing parts of their culture. While trading fruit and ideas is popular, the people are cautious against foreign nations. The nation has constantly been ravaged by conflict. Alchemy booms here, for its principles have led to great innovation.     Young King Pengriffith is the youngest ruler. While the king's charms have curbed political pressure, invasion anxiety is rampant. His people are mercenaries and labourers. They simply wish for work, glory and independence. Most here are immigrants hoping to be credited for their work and avoid the troubles of monarchies.     In a world with alchemy, magic, gods and technology, the most important thing ends up being your character. This world isn't long for the pedestrian. One can choose to be no one and fade into nothing, or they can make history. After all, history isn't written by victors, but by what we write now.