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Empress Wa

Nüwa is considered to be the first being with the ability to procreate and is the creator of all mankind. Middlelands society is fiercely matriarchal, so Nüwa, being the mother of all humans, is considered a very important deity. She has a hand in a number of stories but is most commonly associated with Middlelands creation myth and for saving humanity by mending a hole in the sky after a great flood. Nüwa is still a popular deity and is usually prayed to by women who need divine assistance with marital affairs or fertility issues.  

Divine Domains

After Pangu emerged from his mythical egg and created the physical universe, Shijie separated from the heavens and became a beautiful place full of lush, green vegetation, vast rivers, tall mountains, and all sorts of animals.   One day, Nüwa decided to go for a walk in the woods among the mountains and animals. As she walked along, she was suddenly overcome with loneliness. Even though everything around her was strikingly beautiful, Nüwa had no one to keep her company. She decided to pause along the banks of a river and began to make figures out of clay from the mud. At first she began to make easy shapes like chickens and sheep, and though they amused her, she soon became bored with them. Gazing into the river and seeing her reflection, she was struck with inspiration. Why not make clay figures that looked like her? Nüwa was so excited by her creation that she made clay figures until her hands hurt. She took the end of a rope, dipped it in the mud, and began to swing it around her head forming blobs of sticky mud around her. It is said that highborn, noble people are descendants of those that Nüwa created by hand, while working class people were formed from the rope.

Physical Description

Body Features

In art, she’s usually depicted as a supernatural creature with a human face and a long serpentine body but is also sometimes simply drawn as a woman dressed in traditional clothes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nüwa’s mother is the goddess Huaxu who became suddenly pregnant when she was wandering the universe and stepped in a footprint left by the god of thunder, Leigong. Nüwa is married to her brother Fuxi. In some versions of the creation myth, Fuxi is credited with creating mankind with Nüwa through their union. He’s seen as the inventor of hunting, cooking, and the common writing system.

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