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Tiaoxing Fei

Tiaoxing Fei (a.k.a. Humble Jumping Star)

Taoxing Fei, previously known as Luo Fuer, a Jiangshi Shaolin Monk.
  Fuer was born as the youngest of three siblings from the Luo clan.
  The Luo clan is a relatively new noble family in Middleland, which came to power as land-owning reagents in Sansheng (Third Province) after the local Zhang clan lost the favour of the Fulaozhumen and subsequently rebelled against the spirits.
  Luo Qiang gained the favour of the Fulaozhumen in the war against the Zhang clan and received a high purity spirit shoot. And the allowance to rule the valley of forgetting worries as long as it is possessed.
  Fuer was a child more so a child of the valley of forgetting worries than a child of Luo Yinan playing in its fields, hiding behind the stalks of thick bamboo of the Emerald Sea which to a child seemed to stretch forever across the land ruled under their decree.
  Fuer was brave for a young boy protecting Jing from the all-compassing emerald mist which rolled in every fortnight with a bamboo stalk[needs name for now scoot] just like the ones he loved hiding behind.
  Fuer didn't get along with his siblings both a fair few years ahead of him. His older brother Fuyi much like his father was strict, uncompromising and unforgiving the personality demanded to rule with the Fulaozhumens mandate. Much unlike the spirits, Fuer ran the fields with.
  His sister Funü was cunning, beautiful and a master of the arts, that is what his father said. The spirits always ran from her, their eyes in pain as she sang, screaming as they laid eyes on her paintings.
  Father didn't like Fuer he saw how the spirits looked at him and he saw how the spirits look at himself. Only revealing themselves as he touched the [Scoot] given to his clan. To him Fuer was a boy born to a worthless whore.
  Fuer mother was a loving woman the town folk say when she sang the smaller spirits would gather to listen as she wrote the spirits would play along as if they were in a theatre play.
  A woman born to the favour of the spirits under a falling star of Gali A.
  Fuer remembers when his father said that his mother was selected by the council to join the spirit world for the first in a long long time and that she would return at the Harvestday in Fuers 25th year.
  Other than Fuer family life he lived in privilege and ease. As long as he did not involve himself with family matters he'd largely go ignored.
  Not having to worry about money, accommodation or labour.
  In Fuer's 20th year at Harvestday he met his end.
  That day Fuer spent drinking with a new compatriot whom had just travelled into [name of place]. He had sold himself as a shaman who'd traveled all across the realms both human and spirit.
  Enamored by his stories and the alcohol, Fuer joined the man on a trip to guolin. There the man would show him [name of pond] at which one could visit the spirit realm under guidance of a shaman.
  As the shaman and Fuer were making their way deeper into the forest the emerald mist started to roll in. Here in Guolin it looked alive it moved different, it shimmered different it felt thicker.
  [Insert paragraph of how Fuer got murdered]
  Laying with his face towards the night sky surrounded by the emerald mist Fu'er drew his last breath. As he did it seemed like the mist was crawling into his body through his nose, his mouth and the gaping wounds on his abdomen.

Tiaoxing up as the son of a wealthy merchant before he turned. The people employed to protect him instead left him for dead. Riches weren't everything but the way of the Shaolin might be... Jianshi Shaolin.

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Chaotic Good
grey eyes, shimmering like the fogs gaolan
bald, with talisam branded on his forehead
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale purple, like washed put lavender

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