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The Platinum Dragon (a.k.a. Xymor, Marduk)

Ruler of Metallic Dragons and God of wisdom, protection and enlightened justice (justice tempered with mercy and punishment with forgiveness).   His natural form was that of a platinum dragon, said by many to be the only one of his kind. He was also the eternal rival of his sister Tiamat, queen of the chromatic dragons.

Holy Books & Codes

His dragon adepts followed the Ptarian Code, a draconic code of honor created by the gold dragon Ptaris in the ancient past. The Ptarian Code eventually was adopted by many gold and silver dragons. The Ptarian Code was similar to the codes of chivalry adopted by knightly orders of humanity. The major precepts were:
  • Justice and Good above all.
  • Honor and Fealty to the King.
  • Honor and Respect to Righteous Innocence.
  • Honor and Duty to the Justicemaker (Bahamut).
  • Honor and Protection to the Lesser Races.
  • Honor and Correction to the Enemies of Justice and Good.
  • Honor and Forbearance for oneself.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol is a Dragon's head in profile.   His favorite weapon is Bite (heavy pick), and a Claw for clerics.

Tenets of Faith

Bahamut's dogma was based on justice, nobility, protection, and honor. He taught his followers to always uphold the highest ideals of honor and justice; to be constantly vigilant against evil and to oppose it from all fronts; and to protect the weak, liberate the oppressed, and defend just order. Bahamut advocated a "greater justice" that included fighting against evil and toppling oppressive regimes. He also liked to reward strength of purpose and character in his followers.

Physical Description

Body Features

In his natural form, Bahamut was a massive dragon approximately 180 feet (55 meters) long, with a tail the same length as his body, with platinum scales tougher than any shield (said by some to be virtually indestructible) that glowed with a faint blue sheen, and blue eyes, the exact color of which was hard to specify and may have depended on Bahamut's mood.   As Xymor, he was described as a huge dragon wrapped in a scintillating aura of light so brilliant that it was impossible to tell his color.

Special abilities

Bahamut disdained combat, and he preferred to talk with his opponents and convince them to surrender using his legendary diplomatic skills. Bahamut spoke many languages, including Draconic, Celestial, Auran, and Common, although he had the ability to speak to any intelligent creature thanks to his ever-present, receptive form of telepathy.   Despite his aversion to battle, he was easily capable of defending himself. Along with all the standard powers and godly senses of a deity of his rank, as well as the natural abilities of an ancient dragon, those who saw him fight claimed that he had two breath weapons, one a powerful cone of cold, the other a vapor that turned his enemies into gaseous forms. A third special attack was his roar, which was so powerful that it could disintegrate creatures or objects within 100 feet (30 meters). If facing off against more powerful creatures, this roar would still permanently deafen those who weren't turned to dust. On top of that he was more powerful than any mortal dragon, and was also reputed to know every arcane and divine spell.   Also, Bahamut had the ability to see invisible beings and objects, and to breathe underwater indefinitely. Likewise, he could freely use his breath weapons or cast spells while underwater.   Aspects: Bahamut was able to create aspects of himself from the willing sacrifice of a powerful metallic dragon worshiper. While the dragon died during the ritual, the newly created aspect remembered all of its previous life and was utterly bound to Bahamut's will forever after. Unlike normal divine aspects of other gods, aspects of Bahamut were not extensions of Bahamut's self but rather independent beings. They were not as powerful as Bahamut's normal avatars, however. Bahamut disliked creating aspects in this way, as he preferred that his dragon worshipers remained as dragons rather than sacrifice themselves, but he sometimes asked one of his dragon worshipers to become an aspect when it was needed, to act as an emissary, to become a long-term guardian, or to chase evil beings way too powerful for his mortal followers to face.   Occasionally, aspects of Bahamut arose spontaneously. Unlike Bahamut's normal aspects, these spontaneous aspects were short-lived, biological echoes of Bahamut's divine will. These aspects usually faded to nothingness within a day. These aspects were usually the ones who answered the magical summons of Bahamut's worshipers.   Aspects of Bahamut were fearless, surprisingly intelligent combatants who cared nothing for their continued existence, something that made them far more dangerous than mortal dragons because of their coldly calculated rage and battle acumen. Aspects of Bahamut usually fought to the death unless their existence was more important than any tactical gain they could get from a battle. Despite this, aspects of Bahamut were more willing to converse with mortals and deal diplomatically with them than most divine aspects, though they only spoke from positions of superiority due to them as representatives of the Platinum Dragon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

For ages, sages debated whether Bahamut actually was a deity or not. Many believed he was the archetype of good dragonkind, the avatar of another deity, or even a mortal dragon so powerful that other dragons revered him like a god. Whatever he was, sages knew for certain that he was powerful, was venerated by many good dragons as their king, and was even respected by evil ones.   The fact is that Bahamut was actually a god. He came into existence alongside the rest of the draconic pantheon when the first dragons were born, although in those ancient times he was known as Xymor by his dragon followers. His origins were highly conflicting, however, as there were many accounts about how he came into being.

Morality & Philosophy

Bahamut was stern and very disapproving of evil. He accepted no excuses for evil acts, and didn't tolerate even minor offenses by evil creatures.   In spite of his stance, he was also considered one of the most compassionate beings in the multiverse. He had limitless empathy for the downtrodden, the dispossessed, and the helpless. He usually preferred to polymorph those who had offended him instead of killing them, although it was also said that Bahamut loathed to sully himself with the blood of evil creatures.   By draconic standards, Bahamut was neither vain nor desirous of treasure. He valued wisdom, knowledge, prophecies, and songs instead. He used the great wealth he had amassed over the ages to help those in need while using the magic items he had gathered to further his goals. However, he also pursued viciously (usually sending his champions and followers) those who tried to steal the hoard from his palace as, after all, he was a god of justice.

Personality Characteristics


Bahamut spent half of his time traveling the Material plane's many worlds in the guise of an old man. In this form, he traveled from one place to another with no apparent purpose and was quick to offer advice, information, or assistance to other travelers he encountered on the road. He always tried to assess the worthiness—viewed through a lens of justice, nobility, and honor—of everyone he met while traveling. Some said that Bahamut had visited every known world and plane during these travels at least once in his lifetime. When Bahamut assumed the form of the old man, he was usually accompanied by seven gold great wyrms polymorphed into canaries or some other small animal form, always ready to attack anyone foolish enough to threaten their god.   He spent the rest of his time holding court in his shining palace. Good-aligned clerics and paladins usually took pilgrimages to his castle, seeking to receive the blessings of the Platinum Dragon.   Bahamut was ever watchful against the machinations of Tiamat, and never interfered in the affairs of mortal creatures unless his actions could also stop her evil schemes. However, when he confronted her, he always took the necessary actions to stop the spread of her influence and to undo whatever damage she had done.   Bahamut was unable to turn his back on any good creatures that were in need, however, even if Tiamat wasn't involved. But he preferred to help them in indirect ways, such as giving them useful information, needed advice that bordered on prophecy, a safe refuge, or healing and bolstering them with his powerful magic.

Likes & Dislikes

Bahamut's favored food was the early morning frost on blades of grass, honey, and daisy petals. He was able to eat anything, however, and he needed no sustenance while in his palace.   Bahamut also liked to prove the strength and worthiness of his followers by battling against them in his dragon form, halting the combat when his followers were injured or when they overcame him. However, he was prone to get carried away by his zeal, and had powerful healers on hand in case he had gravely injured one of his followers in those battles.


Contacts & Relations

Bahamut's allies included good dragons, half-dragons, dragonborn, and good draconic creatures.   The Seven Gold Wyrms While his court comprised only gold dragons, Bahamut enjoyed the company of all good dragons, delighting in their differences and varied personalities.   A council of seven ancient gold dragons comprised Bahamut's court. They were Bahamut's closest servants and friends. Each one worked on specific tasks and served as Bahamut's emissaries in tasks that didn't demand the god's personal attention. They also advised Bahamut on matters of honor and acted as a jury when the god was judging evildoers—often apprehended by his champions.   Some claimed these wyrms were reincarnations of dead kings, renowned for their sense of justice, and returned to life to serve the Platinum Dragon. Gold dragons, however, believed that Bahamut chose among the noblest and courageous among them to serve him in this capacity, and they considered a position in his court to be the most prestigious of all. According to gold dragon traditions, Bahamut chose them through secret, elaborate, and dangerous tests that challenged their mettle. Once appointed to a position in his court, that gold dragon served Bahamut until dead or until it was too old or infirm to aid their god.   It was unknown if there was some form of hierarchy among them.   Though Bahamut isn't afraid of getting his own claws dirty to enact justice, he sometimes sends one of his servants to enact his will.   The Seven Gold Wyrms were:
  • Borkadd the Claw: His tasks are twofold: keep track of the laws of mortal and other lands, and carry out the law on those who can't be stopped by other means.
  • Kuria the Eye: She is the law when it needs to be subtle; it seems like a strange combination when you remember that she's of Gargantuan size until you also remember that dragons can polymorph.
  • Sonngrad the Wing: She is the messenger of Bahamut, very curious about the world, and loves to explore the places she's visited.
  • Gruemar the Voice: He keeps peace through the power of his voice, a master negotiator and mediator.
  • Marroshok the Tail: He is a bodyguard of sort for Bahamut, of the "nice in conversation, merciless in combat" kind.
  • Troannaxia the Presence: Where Gruemar's words would fail, she intimidates resistance with both words and her sheer presence.
  • Urgala the Fang: General for the grand armies of Bahamut, she has a short temper and a keen tactical mind.

Family Ties

Bahamut's antithesis was Tiamat, as both of them represented opposing values, and this enmity was reflected in the attitude of each deity's worshipers as well.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Angel of the Seven Heavens
  • Draco Paladin
  • The God of Dragons
  • Grandfather of Dragons
  • King of the Good Dragons
  • Justicemaker
  • The Justice Bringer (as Marduk)
  • Lord of the North Wind
  • Lord of Pure Incantations (as Marduk)
  • The Platinum Dragon
  • The Valiant (as Marduk)
Blue (depending on mood)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Platinum scales that glowed with a faint blue sheen

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