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The Far Wanderer, The Star Wanderer (a.k.a. Caelus, Caelus Nocturnus)

God of stars and travelers.   Celestian appears as an older, tall middle-aged man dressed in black robes with jewels (diamond, amethyst, sapphire, emerald, topaz, jacinth, and ruby) worked into them, shining like distant suns. He has dark skin and hair, with his voice being heard as cold and soft when he speaks. His dark eyes—the same color as his smooth skin—were full of knowledge. Somewhere on his person, Celestian always wore his holy symbol. His movements were swift and silent. He rarely appeared in a physical form, however.   He has power over meteors, comets, asteroids, and similar bodies, and some influence over light and weather. He can summon astral devas to serve him. His petitioners, without a divine realm to inhabit, instead became the stars of his black robes, until finally merging with his essence.

Divine Domains

Astronomy, wanderers, stars, wanderers, space, Knowledge, Protection, Travel (also Night, Oracle), meteors, comets, and asteroids

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His holy symbol is a circle with a semicircle inside of it, held in place by a horizontal bar dividing the circle in half. They are frequently set with gemstones. The seven "stars" were seven gems: amethyst, diamond, emerald, jacinth, ruby, sapphire, and topaz.   Their favored weapon is the shortspear.

Tenets of Faith

Celestian encourages his followers to wander far from home, just as the stars do. Astrology is as much a part of Celestian’s faith as astronomy is, and his worshippers are encouraged to discover the secrets within the patterns of the stars and other celestial bodies. Scriptures   Though Celestians must pledge to wander, they may remain in one place for decades without receiving more than a gentle chiding from Celestian priests. Priests are expected to take their oaths much more seriously.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Celestian has power over meteors, comets, asteroids, and other such objects. He has also had access to minor weather-based powers, likely to make the stars more easily visible from Agnesia. Because of his domain clerics of Celestian tend to be nocturnal and detached from the happenings during the day and hiring one might prove difficult. Because of his bond with the stars, services dedicated to Celestian take place under the night sky, and the three holidays most holy to him have either or both of the moons of Agnesia being completely dark, making the sky more easily visible. Both astronomy and astrology are important to the faith and worshippers are encouraged to both look into the movements of the stars and the power locked within them.   Celestian had access to many of the spells used by powerful mortal wizards, including any spells related to travel or movement. In addition, he was known for seven unique spell-like powers: the creation of a sheet of shifting lights similar in appearance to an aurora Polaris that could damage foes; summoning of a comet; manifestation of heat lightning; calling of a meteor storm; infliction of a chill as cold as space; emanation of a beam of white light as bright as a star from his eyes; and creation of the sound of deafening thunder. He could only manifest these powers if not underground or indoors.   Celestian had the power to traverse the Astral Plane at will, including the ability to astrally enter any of the planes that bordered it.

Apparel & Accessories

Celestian possessed a variety of magic weapons that he might use at any given encounter. Among these were a longbow, a spear that could change length, a short sword, a battleaxe that he could throw, and an unbreakable dagger, but his worshipers held the shortspear to be his favored weapon.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Because of his nature as a wanderer Celestian rarely stays in one place for long. He moves from one place to the next, only accompanied by the souls of the ones who worshipped him, becoming the stars in his robe. While he frequently travels through the Astral Plane he has no dwelling there and temples dedicated to him are few.


Contacts & Relations

Celestian got along well with many gods of travel from other pantheons.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Neutral Moral

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