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The Smith, He Who Never Sleeps, He Who Watches (a.k.a. Gruumsh One-Eye)

Gruumsh One-Eye is the patron deity of orcs, who regard him as the God of Conquest, Survival, Strength, Smithing, and Territory.   Gruumsh appears as a powerful orc with one eye, as a figure of fury and driven cruelty.

Divine Domains

Conquest, Orcs, Strength, Survival, Smithing, Territory, Cavern, Domination, Evil, Hatred, Lust, Orc, Strength, War, Wrath

Holy Books & Codes

Gruumsh told his worshipers to do the following:
  • Gather and breed, and your numbers shall flourish.
  • Rise up in hordes and seize that which is rightfully yours.
  • Raid. Kill. Conquer.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol is an empty eye socket, or a single unwinking eye. His sacred animal is the giant rat.   His favored weapon is the Bloodspear (Spear).

Tenets of Faith

Gruumsh teaches his followers that the strong are meant to rule and the weak are meant to be crushed, their flesh rended and their blood spilled, their bodies killed or enslaved, because purging the world of weakness is what is best for all. Slavery is usually only a brief reprieve before death. Runts and cripples are more than just a burden on society, but a sign of Gruumsh's disfavor, marked by their weakness for elimination. That which does not kill an orc only makes them stronger.   Non-evil followers of Gruumsh take a more moderate approach. They do not automatically kill or enslave non-orcs, and even dwarves and elves may be spared if they are not automatically hostile. They do, however, seek to prove orcish superiority at every opportunity through contests of strength and martial skill.


His holy day is the new moon.   The last day of Talvehita, which Gruumans call Gharfek'taaz ("Feast of the Bloodied Stones"), commemorated Gruumsh's ascendancy. On this day, new shamans/clerics were ordained in a bloody orgy of torture and sacrifice.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Seek unceasing war against your enemies, and kill or enslave those who oppose you. Acquire territory and living space. Destroy elves, their homes, and their lands. Crush the dwarves and take their deep caves for your own. Be strong, and be prepared to show your strength at any moment. Showing weakness is the key to an early death. Those that are too weak to fight for your tribe should be put to the spear. The greatest gift that He Who Watches gave to the orcs was the ability to survive where the weaker races would die. Build your strength in these lands and use them to overrun your enemies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In a past time, Gruumsh had two eyes but he lost one in a fight with the chief elven god Corellon Larethian. Myths say that Gruumsh had become enraged when he saw the newly formed bodies of the elves, viewing them as an abomination. Accordingly, he gathered like-minded deities into an army meant to crush the Seldarine and their own allies. Gruumsh meant to paralyze Corellon with his magical spear; this attack failed and initiated an epic battle. During the course of this battle Gruumsh injured Corellon and, according to legend, from the blood shed by Corellon the elven people were brought to life, while the blood shed by Gruumsh was used to create the orcs. Corellon ended the fight by putting out Gruumsh's left eye, which is how Gruumsh earned his moniker "One-Eye." Some orcish clerics deny this tale, dismissing it as elven propaganda, and claim that Gruumsh always had one eye.


Contacts & Relations

Rivals with Elves, and Corellon Larethian.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Chaotic Evil

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